No Escape

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The two doors swung open, showing a lavish room filled with books and artifacts. The walls were covered in white and gold. 

(Y/N) and Sam's eyes scanned the room. (Y/N) was mesmerized by the history held in each item, how they all had a story. Sam searched for clues, hints, and escape routes.

The mercenaries pulled the pair through the room, over to a desk that Rafe was glancing over. Sam seemed never to look away from the globe. Nadine shouted orders, looking for anything valuable. Rafe huffed in annoyance before turning toward his hostages and smiling. 

"So, where to next."  

Sam doesn't even look at him. Rafe scoffs.

"I get you and your little girlfriend are grieving, but-"

Sam's anger boils, "Go fuck yourself." 

Rafe angrily walks in front of Sam, running his hand through his hair.

"I am really trying to be civil, but my patience wears thin, Samuel. Where next." The tension between the two could be cut with a knife. Sam says nothing, glaring daggers at Rafe. 

Rafe had officially had enough of this. 

He snaps his fingers, and the shoreline guy to Y/N's right strikes her in the face with the butt of his gun, making her yelp in pain and fall to the ground. She clutched her face as her eyes watered. 

"Y/N!!" Sam screams, trying to rush over to her before being stopped by Rafe as the shoreline guy kicks Y/N in the stomach. "Leave her alone!"

"Tell me where to go, and the pain stops." Blood was running from Y/N's lip, which was now split. She shrieked as the mercenary stepped on top of her arm, applying enough pressure that it could break.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, FOR GOD SAKE, PLEASE STOP!" Sam's voice breaks from the sound of her screams. Rafe raises his hand, and the guard stops, lifting his boot from her arm. (Y/N) gasped for air. Sam walks over to the globe and quickly presses its hidden button right on Libertalia. Below them, a series of stairs open up. 

Rafe chuckles, "Now, was that so hard?" Y/N whimpers in pain, clutching her side as they finally allow Sam to rush over to her.

"Shit, hey hey, it's okay," Sam attempts to comfort Y/N, lifting her head into his hands.

"Get her on her feet," Rafe calls out.

"You just beat the shit out of her; give us a goddamn break!" Sam exclaims angrily. Rafe calls out orders to the guards, but Y/N can barely hear them. She begins to sit up but immediately falls forward into Sam's chest, his arms wrapping around her protectively. 

"Let me take a look at you." Sam pulls back slightly, holding her face in his hands. (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open. She winced as Sam's fingers brushed against her bruises. The purples and blues now decorating her skin. Samuel's eyebrows were pinched together in concern. 

He sucked in air through his teeth, using his thumb to wipe away the blood below her lip. "Shit, they got you good."

"Do you think I'll get any cool scars?"

Sam chuckles, "That's what you want to know?"

(Y/N) grins softly, "Just trying to see a glass half full." She groans, holding her arm tightly in her hands.

Sam's expression twists into a guilty one, his smile dropping. Pulling her close again, Sam lays his cheek on her head, mumbling apologies. The smell of nicotine and dirt filled her senses. It calmed her body, making (Y/N) fully relax into Sam.

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