Join me in Paradise

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"Wake up."

I groan. My lungs ached, and my body was sore.

"I said wake up!" 

A heavy boot comes in contact with my stomach, causing me to yelp and cough.

My eyelids felt like lead. All I could taste was salt. I slowly open my eyes to an unfamiliar scene. The bow of a much larger ship. I brushed away my wet matted hair; as raindrops continued to dot my face. In front of me, I see two combat boots. As my eyes trail up the person, I groan in disgust.


I sat up from the ground, holding myself up with my arms. My legs felt numb. Rafe fiddled with a gun menacingly.

"Hello, lovely. We meet again." 

I stayed quiet and looked around, finding myself surrounded by mercenaries. I shivered from the frozen air, my wet clothes sticking to my skin.

"Where are Sam and Nate. What did you do with them."

Rafe scoffed. "What makes you think I did anything?"

"What did you do." I asked again, my pale fist now clenched.

He hummed while scanning me over. "Not one for pleasantries? Fine. I don't know if they are alive, but they have a reputation for surviving anything, so they are probably somewhere on the island."

I tried to swallow my nerves, but the idea of Sam and Nate drowning made me nauseous. 

"I'm going to make things plain and simple." I tried to keep his gaze as he continued. "You're going to help me find the treasure and I promise to not hurt you."

I chuckle to my surprise, adrenaline taking hold of the wheel. "Yeah, uh, I'm not going to trust the guy who has been trying to kill us this whole time."

He nodded, "good, I would worry about your sanity if you did, but I am your best option."

"Hah, so my best option is also the worst."

"Don't underestimate me, lovely."

"You can't figure anything out without help. It's impossible to underestimate you."

I glared at him as he stepped closer, holding my face tightly. My eyes pinched, almost shut from the pain. I grab his forearm, pushing him away, but he refuses to let go.

"Listen, I don't like breaking pretty things, but I will if I have too."

He drops my face. I rub my jaw to soothe the pain. The print of his hand burned into my skin. Rafe nodded toward one of the mercenaries, and they picked me up by my arms and carried me away. I tried fighting against them, but it was no use. 

They tossed me into a small room and shut the door. There was only one lightbulb that flickered. Its orange hue colored the room. The ship's swaying made me tired, but I refused to sleep. The heavy footsteps were now just background noise.

Sam and Nate

Please be Safe

(3rd POV)

As the ground crumbled beneath him, Nathan made a jump for the ledge. 

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