Hidden in Plain Sight

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A/n: Okay, I love writing this chapter because it literally just me making up dialogue. Sorry if it's cheesy, but yknow, ITS FANFICTION WHAT CAN I SAY?

3rd POV

Brushing the hair out of her face, Y/n observed the passing houses and fields of Madagascar City. She adjusts herself, relaxing more into the seat. Y/n watches as Sam turns the nob, finding a good channel on the radio. After a couple of minutes, soft music plays, the slight static giving it the classic radio charm. 

Sam rests his left arm on the car door, holding his face with his hand as the other holds the wheel. The tower was coming into view over the trees.

"Hopefully, there aren't any shoreline guys waiting for us." Y/n mumbles, picking the skin around her thumbnail. Sam chuckles, placing both hands on the wheel. "We would be screwed if they were there." He tries to joke but only makes Y/n more nervous.

Sam glances over, hesitantly setting a hand on hers. "Don't worry. We got a twelve-in-one chance of running into them. Besides, you know I'll protect you, right?" Sam meets her gaze for a moment before looking back to the road, slipping his hand from hers. 

Y/n glances away shyly before clearing her throat. "So, Mr. Samuel Drake, I have a couple of questions for you," She says in the most interviewer voice she can muster. 

Sam chuckles, "What am I applying for?" 

Y/n waves her hand dismissively, "You shall find out at the end." 

Sam glances at her suspiciously, setting his right hand on the gear stick and his left on the top of the wheel. "Alright shoot." 

Y/n leans slightly closer, "Okay question one, what is your favorite color." 

Sam sighs audibly in relief, "I thought you were about to ask some serious questions, I got all nervous." Sam laughs, setting a hand on his chest. "This is serious!" Y/n says while slightly laughing. 

"Okay okay, favorite color. Um I like orange and not the ugly bright orange. More like an um-" Sam snaps his fingers to try and help himself remember the word. 

Y/n quirks up an eyebrow, "Rustic?" "Yes! Thank you, rustic." 

"Is there a particular reason you like it?"

"Well as a kid I loved eating oranges, love the smell of citrus. It kinda stuck I guess...Do you always ask strange questions?" Sam teases. 

Y/n huffs, but a ghost of a smile is evident on her face. "I think people's favorite color says a lot about their personality."

"Oh does it? And what does my choice mean."

"That you are someone who overthinks simple questions."

Y/n chuckles at Sam's disappointed face. "Oh, you think you're funny?" 

"Maybe just a little." Sam finally breaks and laughs.

"Next question. What is your favorite holiday?"

"Oh, Christmas, hands down. The one time a year were you get gifts on someone elses birthday." They both chuckle, Sam running his hand through his hair.

"I mean, it was one of the few holidays we were allowed to celebrate at a Catholic orphanage. Nate and I would sneak out and would go to museums or galleries.

"Alright, now I have a question." Sam says, making Y/n raise a quizzical brow. "After all this, what happens to you?" 

"Hmm, I mean, probably just get back to my job, potentially get therapy."  Sam chuckles.

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