Those Who Prove Worthy

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"That's a damn good question. So who do you think these guys are?" Nathan questions, walking away from the statues.

"Those who prove false, I guess. I think Avery or Thomas Tew there just trying to scare us." Sam answers as we stare at the terrifying statues and cages. 

"Good thing we're jaded treasure hunters." Nathan jokes, making Sam chuckle as I protest, "don't rope me into that, I'm terrified." Nate turns to me and uses a baby voice, "aww do you need your mommy?" "I will deck you." He quickly surrenders as I give him a cold glare, Sam chuckling.

We walk through the cave more, finding an old bridge, Sam comments before I can. "That bridge looks...about as safe as the others." I turn to him, "so it will break." "most likely." Without a second thought, Nate begins to walk across. "Whoa...It's okay. It's holding! Come on."

Sam puts a hand on my shoulder in comfort. "You go first. I'll be right behind you," I nod nervously. Walking across would be fine, but the giant hole that I would have to jump over is what I am worried about. I take my first step cautiously, and the whole plank creaks but holds me. I reach the edge, trying my best to keep track of its size and not look at the giant cavern below me. 

"Just breath, Sweetheart," I take one breath.

and jump

once I land, the whole swings back and forth, but I grab the rope railing to keep me stable. I shut my eyes tight, afraid that I would fall to my death. But after a moment, the swinging stops. I open my eyes and chuckle in relief. I slowly walk the rest of the way off, and Nate pats my shoulder, "good work, pidge." I smile and turn to see Sam coming over. "These bridges are clearly not built to code." 

"Sure they are. The pirate code." Nathan jokes; I look at him with a deadpan stare while Sam pretends to laugh, "not bad."

We walk up a flight of carved stone stairs and see a room. The door was open this time, which was suspicious. Nathan heads in first and steps on a rock that turns out to be a button. The sound of gears turning made us turn around to see the door shut. "No, no, no, no!"

Sam is unable to reach the door in time and sighs in defeat. "Well, we're not going back that way."

I looked around the room to see a mechanism of some sort; it had three crosses and a bucket.

"This is... elaborate."

"Avery is testing us." the boys look at me as I point out. Look, each cross seems different. He is testing us and what we know about St. Dismas."

"Look at you." Nathan says, amazed. I walk over to see the next door, "It would seem that out a friend here failed,," Sam winces at the spikes poking the body at all angles. I slowly grab the hand, pulling it out of the hole. The spikes quickly retract, making me fall backward. 

Nathan pulls me up, "you alright?" "Yeah just-" I pause, and the machine begins moving.

"There's something on the bottom there." Sam points out, and Nathan pulls the item out."

"It's a bucket."

Oh, Avery, the puzzle you have placed in my path.

I begin looking around as the boys continue talking,

"Huh. Okay. Now what?"

"fill it with water," I point toward the pond to our left. "I think it's like when the bible says, 'the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.'" 

"That would make sense with the connection to the crosses." Sam agrees as Nathan hands us back the bucket. "Bucket filled!"

"All right, pass it up to me. I'm gonna put it back in that big wheel thingie." Sam carries it over, and the weight of the bucket pushes the plate down, causing three lights to appear. "Bingo."

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