chapter four

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the police station,

Entering the police station to the busy rush of cops that ran back and fourth over the discovery of Billy being the supposed killer, Sidney remained in tears as she sat in a chair in front of Dewey. Tatum was talking to some cop that was interrogating her side of the story, and that's when I caught a glimpse of Billy. Sitting in a chair next to his father, sadly staring at Sidney. It's infuriating for me to watch, so I found myself talking to Tatum about the entire thing instead.

"What happened? It's like Christmas in here." I uncomfortably cover myself with my jacket as I felt stares from the older officers.

"Billy snuck into her house and tried to kill her with that stupid mask on." Tatum pointed to the Ghostface mask held in an evidence bag.

—"You've got to be kidding me." I scoff.

"I can't believe it was him." Tatum shook her head.

"It wasn't him. Billy wouldn't have aimed to kill Sidney." The look in his eyes screamed an act, I could just tell he's not entirely confessing to the truth in that room right now. As long as I know that, Tatum and Sidney don't need to. I'll figure it out before the cops do, that's for fucking sure.

When Billy's dad exited the room, I took my chance at talking alone with him. "Can I talk to him?" I run up to Billy's dad who greeted me with a smile.

"—You'd have to ask a cop, Elizabeth. I'm sure it is okay to." He answered.

This would be a performance that's for sure, "Officer—Officer, can I please talk to him. He's all I have left after last year, please!" I began to fake my sadness and sorrow as I watched the sympathy fill into the officer who is beginning to recall the events from last years tragedy in my brothers passing.

"Fine, fine! You have a few minutes." He quieted me, unlocking the door for me to have my moments with the guilty looking boy.

"Wow, you sure know how to act, Elizabeth." Billy smirked while I closed the blinds in the room, blocking off all views from anyone outside.

"Shut up, Loomis. What the fuck were you doing at Sidney's house this late with that mask?" I sat in front of the boy and leaned forward towards him. His eyes wandered down where I expected, disappointing me even more. "Seriously, Billy? You're unbelievable."

"—What! I-I wasn't doing anything. I just wanted to talk to her." He shrugged.

"Talk to her? That's what you were doing, with some stupid Ghostface mask?"

"It wasn't mine! When she saw me and freaked out it was because I dropped the fucking phone, she just believed it was me cause this psycho killer keeps calling her. It was pure coincidence." Billy explained.

—"Mystery man." I whispered to the realization.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"He called me too. Sounded pretty hot at first, I assumed he was gonna have sex with me just by how he was talking, but he lead me on before hanging up. Some killer he is, flirting with his victims, huh?" I sit back and cross my arms, staring into the boy who's face slowly dropped into something unidentified.

—"He's insane." Was all he said.

I paused the conversation to take in his body language as it wasn't relaxed. He was on edge, jittery, like he was scared. Why would he be scared in a moment like this? Unless he's scared of getting caught— I can be overreaching these things. I can have my suspicions. Not that I'd act on them— "Why'd you kill Casey Becker, Billy?" I leaned forward once again, whispering the sentence with it as a statement more than a question. His face dropped entirely and lost its colour.

"I, didn't." He firmly and slowly denied.

"Times up." The officer interrupted us, startling the boy who took his firm gaze off of me. I kept mine in tact and dominant while the cops hand cuffed him and took him away and out of the room.

"Sidney, tell 'em it isn't me! Come on!" Billy pleaded as they dragged him away into doing tests on his background and connection to these murders and intrusions.

I crossed my arms as I watched it happen. The girl wouldn't even look at him while he begged. She kept crying to herself in Tatums arms, ignoring his pleads. You'd think she'd give him a chance to explain his side of the story since she loves him so much, but she doesn't. Now he's rotting for nothing over something he probably didn't do in the moment.

He wasn't the one who attacked her— that I can tell he was being honest over. The other stuff I need more answers on— but I won't get it. The only thing on my mind right now was the annoying girl who remained crying in her seat in front of me. So, I left unannounced.

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