chapter ten

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the house murders,

The rest of the house remained in watching a horror movie with Randy, where he joked about how Sty was going to die no that he left to the kitchen all by himself. I laughed as I heard their tease knowing Stu had no chance of death whatsoever, but was amused while I watched the boy dress himself into the costume. Ghostface being an iconic name for it.

   Stu anonymously called the boys from the other room to inform them that the Principals body is on the football field for them to see, knowing it'd get all the boys to exit the party in a hurry as they did. I maintained my laughter within my joint so they would hear me from the other room with the killer in front of me. "—Action." Stu said while placing the mask on and exiting the room towards the upstairs where he'd interrupt Sidney and Billy.

Just as I expected, screams came from the room above me. Screams that Randy couldn't hear with his loud tv and horror movie. I listened to running footsteps as she ran all around the floor, before my mind dropped as I watched her body fall off the room. My mouth was agape and in confusion.

—"What the fuck." I mumbled to myself and slowly peaked out the window. Sidney had gotten a glimpse at Tatums dead body before running away, but I still couldn't comprehend the fact that she fell off the fucking roof and acted like it never happened.

There was so much happening at once to even comprehend that I never even realized that Stu was creeping up on Randy, and the man in the van was slit completely to death. Stu was on a roll with these murders and intense moments that I couldn't help but smoke and watch it all unfold.

   Dewey had entered the house with his gun, calling out for me and Tatum in hopes of finding us now that there's no sign of anyone. But I remained hidden so he wouldn't find me, holding a knife I picked up off the counter in case he came by and I needed to slightly help without murder of course, since i'm innocent... Stu peaked inside with me in his costume, before stabbing Dewey in the back and eliminating yet another person who had knocked out on his way down.

—"Dewey!" Sidney cried as she ran up the stairs to where his body was laying.

  "Sidney! Jesus, we need to get the fuck out of here!" Randy limped his way over to where Sidney was standing in fear. My mind had gone completely blank to where Randy even came from since I had no idea he left the house in the first place. I assume he caught a glimpse of Stu as Ghostface to cause this sudden panic reaction. Sidney bad just responded to his pleas by pulling out Dewey's gun on him and holding it towards the panicked boy.

"Stop right there!" She yelled.

"Don't shoot, it's me! I found Tatum. She's dead! I think he killed Elizabeth too!" Randy begged, which was odd because he never even saw me once tonight. How'd he know I even showed up?
Stu came running in once his name was mentioned, but no sign of Ghostface was on the boy.

  "Don't listen to him, Sidney!" Stu cried out, pulling out this acting performance I never could've expected him to complete perfectly. "He killed Billy! He killed Tatum! He killed Elizabeth!" He cried more.

"-You did it." Randy cried out.

   "You lied! Please, give me that gun!" Stu pushed Randy off the stairs and cornered Sidney into the house where she shut the door on their faces. You could hear their banging from outside as she cried against the door she closed. It was truly entertaining to see the girl cry in a situation like this.

—"Sidney." Billy groaned as he fell down the stairs.

   "Oh! Billy. Billy. Are you okay?" She ran over to the boy who was pretending to be stabbed and hurt, I could tell in this situation there was no way Stu even had the chance to stab the boy for real. Her affection for him now was annoying me, and the most I could do to even tune it out was drink more of this beer and possibly get drunk as soon as possible. Besides being high.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Stu entering and making fake gagging movements to show his disgust to the two 'lovebirds' as well. "—Disgusting." He mouthed towards me.

  "I thought you were dead!" She cried out to Billy.

"We've gotta get help." Billy groaned walking to the front door. "Give me the gun. It's okay." He lied. Sidney stupidity gave it to him, allowing Billy to open the front door for the panicked Randy to enter.

"Stus flipped out! He's gone mad!" Randy preached knowing Stu randomly ran away from the situation.

"—We all go a little mad sometimes." Billy turned to him devilishly before pointing the gun directly at Randy's chest and pulling the trigger.

"—Oh, fuck!" He cried out as he got shot on the floor. Backing into the feet of Stu, who was standing there with a smirk on his face and pride laced within it as he stared down at the bleeding boy.

   "Anthony Perkins, Psycho." Billy scratched himself with the gun. The identical mentality both him and I had was insane. Stu was right when he mentioned it. Sidney gasped in fear as she stood above Randy's body and kept an eye between both Stu and Billy.
"Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pigs blood in Carrie." Billy licked his fingers to showcase how fake this entire act really was.

Sidney continued crying as she backed into the kitchen away from the boys, but didn't realize who she backed into.

  "Elizabeth—Help me, please." She cried onto my chest, noticing the blood all over my sweater, she looked worried thinking it was probably mine or hers but in factuality it was blood that had dropped on me from Tatums body. "A-Are you hurt too?" She asked me softly with tears pouring down her face.

I stared at the two boys in front of me who dropped their faces in concern not knowing what my next plan was. I have more power right now to end this entire fight, for Sidney. Or for them.

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