chapter seven

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a third person pov

    After a ending to a school day like this, there was fear laced within one student that escaped with her friends but other students didn't really care seeing as their lives wouldn't be effected regardless of the situation in Woodsboro.

The football team usually meets up at the end of the day, but with the abrupt ending to the day, the meeting begun sooner. Ryder Kennedy and Marcus Henderson were members of the team themselves, Ryder being Captain. Their egos were high, confidence was never matched with any other guy in the school. They were another level of cocky. Especially after Lucas Thorndikes suicide.

With them it was more how they bullied Lucas. There was no reason even behind why they did, it was out of nowhere and unexpected. Elizabeth was more scared for Lucas than he was of himself in that moment of depression. Next thing you knew, Lucas was dead. No exception. Ryder and Marcus didn't even care. They never came around for the funeral, never came around for an apology. They only showed up when police investigated the sudden change in Lucas's life that could've caused his suicide and if it was peer pressured or cyberbullied into happening.

—"These murders are getting out of hand, bro." Ryder entered the change room after everyone left, where Marcus was drying his wet hair.

"They're so stupid, it's like Lucas died all over again. It's some publicity stunt." Marcus laughed.

"As long as it ain't us." Ryder dapped him up. As it is shown, their ego is far too high. Making jokes about the dead like they aren't praying upon their downfall. A loud slam of a door in the back end of the change room startled the two boys in a coincidence. "What was that?"

"—I'll go see." Marcus volunteered.

As the boy approached the end of the change-room, all he saw was the once opened door now locked. It confused the boy, walking towards it to open and look out. There was nothing there, "It's nothing." He called out to Ryder who stayed back to change. But once Marcus turned around, his neck was immediately slashed open by the Ghostface killer. The boy held his wound shut desperately as he fell to the floor. The Ghostface cocked his head to the side in amusement watching as he bled out.

"Marcus?" Ryder called out to the boy, wondering why he hasn't come back yet. "Why you so quiet for?" He laughed as he walked towards the back of the change room. His sight paused him and dropped his entire stomach in disgust. Marcus was hung up on the clothing rack like a jersey, guts pouring out exactly like Casey and Steve. Disgusting sight that had Ryder feeling the need to throw up. "Holy fuck."

He gasped, running towards the other exit of the change room where he found the door locked. Once he turned around he came face to face with Ghostface, who was running Marcus's blood on the wall leading up to where Ryder was cornered. "Please!" He begged as he watched the figure with the bloody knife closely.

"I hear you were friends with Lucas Thorndike." The Ghostface spoke. Ryder took notice immediately of who it was and his stomach dropped further than it did before.

"Y-Yea, I was! I am! Please, don't kill me." He begged remaining in the corner.

"So why's you let him die, Ryder." Ghostface paused behind the mask, laughing devilishly knowing he wouldn't answer properly. "ANSWER ME!" The anger startled Ryder causing him to flinch further into the wall.

"I-I didn't! What?" He denied.

"Hmm— I had hope for you Ryder. Telling the truth can always spare your life, but you failed at something that simple." The Ghostface walked closer to the frightened boy as he came to the conclusion on how his fate was going to end.

—"W-What, I didn't lie." He breathed out in fear, allowing the Ghostface to step even closer.

"YOU LIED AGAIN— you were fun while it lasted, Ryder." And with that, Ryder was stabbed. A stab that was fatal to his abdomen. Blood spurring out of his mouth, stopping him from speaking any further. Till it hit his heart, and he was dead. Finally.

—Now, another two important victims were added on the list making something a lot easier to reach. Sidney was the only other person to get rid of because of important motives, unidentified as of now. When the janitor reached the bathroom after finding the body of the Principal, he found both the boys brutally murdered.

With blood splattered on the wall with a message for the police when they investigate.

"You're next, Sidney Prescott."

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