chapter thirteen

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I chased the girl towards the opposite side, shooting her in the abdomen with my gun. In result she fell right into the body of Stu, who caught her and kept her upright. "That's not how the fucking game works, Sidney. You don't just get to leave." I scratch my head with the back of the gun, similarly to Billy who stood next to me as we watched the bleeding brunette.

"It's hard to win the game when you're running." Billy chuckled. Stu threw the girl towards Randy's body, where she curled hidden to protect her defenseless self.

—"We need to make this look, easy." Stu laughed while picking up his knife.

"If we want to plan out the perfect murder-suicide, we have to act like victims." Billy walked towards Stu with his own knife, ready to accept whatever plan they had created without me.

"I'm ready! Do it!" Stu yelled out, waiting for what is about to be Billy's jab right into his side. I could tell by the way Billy had stabbed him that it wasn't fatal. Stu has enough time to survive if we finish this correctly. Now with the same wound into Billy from Stu, they both looked like victims in this case.

"—You've seen one too many movies." Sidney choked out as the blood continues to pour from her open wound.

"I didn't expect you two to get this physical." I cocked my head to look at the boys who were groaning in pain now that they were wounded.

—"Now, we continue— the plan." Billy devilishly smiled down on the main victim of this entire night.

"I have you an opportunity to win this, Sidney. You failed! The consequences are needed more than ever." I laughed at her, stepping aside the boys who cornered the girl.

"Can I stab her right through her broken heart?" Stu asked loudly as he raised his hand like a child.

—"I already called dibs on where I'm stabbing her." Billy denied his request. Watching as the boys bickered, I never noticed Sidney pick up a knife. She swiftly stood up and stabbed me right in the abdomen before running towards the back of the house. I groaned in pain, falling into Billy's arms while Stu chased after her.

"Elizabeth, are you okay?" Billy held me close to him, keeping my wound closed with his palm. I felt my body weaken, but I pushed off him with all the force I possibly could.

"Fucking bitch!" I yelled while blood began to drip out of my mouth. Chasing towards where I assumed she ran. The back door was open, and Stu was chasing her out the door. I joined in and tackled her to the ground, slamming her head into the grass. Billy ran after me calling my name to stop me from trying anything, knowing i'd damage my open wound more.

—Sidney dug her thumb in my wound, causing me to cry out in pain. Billy came over to push her towards the tree where she hit her head against it and sat on the floor. I crawled over to her and pinned her down, pushing both her arms down by her head. Billy and Stu weakly stood above us, watching so she wouldn't run again. "I gave you, a fucking chance! You—You just had to take advantage? Bold of you to try taking advantage of me, after taking advantage of Lucas." I spit out the blood coming out of my mouth, allowing it to splash on her face.

—"Please, let me go!" She cried out.

"Aww. Billy, Stu— she's begging for her life." We laughed at the helpless girl who was going to accept her fate any moment.

"You're funny, Sid." Stu chuckled.

"Its time for you to go, Sidney. Your name will be everywhere like your mothers for murders you never committed, and we get to walk away victims that survived." Billy crouched slightly to speak more clearly for her to hear.

—"This is your redemption, Sidney. Your life, for Lucas's." I spoke, accepting the knife that Stu gracefully handed me. I stabbed her in the abdomen to hear her scream, joy filling me as I heard. It ended once I stabbed her right through the heart, ending her once and for all. She coughed out blood and slowly her body fell into the ground, lifeless.

Stu and Billy smiled, walking towards me to grab the knife out of my hands so they could set this up as the perfect 'suicide' after all the murders Sidney had committed. I watched knowing I got revenge for my brother, and all the people who needed to die are now finally gone for good.

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