{ 4 } Police?

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{ James }

Even though my head fucking hurts like shit from the party, I still went to school. After that crazy Muslim girl left, I went to my room, took a shower, and then drank some more. Now I'm in class just sitting. Boring.

In front of my eyes, two people who enter the class catch my attention. Two Muslims, a girl, and a boy. Great. I'm going to be stuck with two Muslims, probably even more. This is a Culture class. They're probably going to feed people more lies, they're going to say that Islam is a great religion; when in fact, it's actually not.

I turn around, looking at them with cold eyes. The girl turns away from the boy she was with and looks down at the professor.

Hey, I know that girl. She's the one that came to my house, and the other guy is my neighbor; they both are.

The professor clears his throat and begins speaking. "Okay. Well, my names Mr. Saldan. This is my first year teaching at this univer-" He begins coughing and a few people laugh.

He seems fine.

"Today, we'll watch a clip of what's actually happening in Palestine- or Israel, whichever way you say it. It's happening now, and I want you to watch this video, and compare it to the next clip I'll be showing you. Then we'll discuss it," Mr. Saldan explains as he dims the overhead lights.

I'm bored already.

The first clip was just weird. Little kids were getting killed, in school and outside. The only things they're throwing at the Israelis are rocks. The Israelis have machine guns, shooting down the Palestinians one by one.

I just want to go home and get drunk.

The video ends, and Mr. Saldan plays the other one.

Ugh... another one. I hate this teacher now.

It was a news channel; CNN.

This clip showed nothing like the first one did. Instead, it showed Palestinians throwing rocks and shouting and breaking things, starting riots everywhere.

Mr. Saldan ends the video and switches on the light.

"Finally," I mutter.

"Now, can someone tell me why the news channels don't talk about the same things as the first video did?"

No hands were up for a few moments. Someone behind me puts their hand up.

"P-people try to give Muslims an image," a girl says.

I know that voice... It's the girl. The crazy Muslim girl.

"An image? Can you explain what you mean by that?" Mr. Saldan prods.

"Well, clearly, the first clip is the one that's actually happening. The second clip was like they're trying to make people -um, for lack of better wording- not have sympathy and be upset towards the 'disruptive' Muslims, when, in reality, kids are dying and mothers are crying,"

I scoff loudly. Is this girl for real?

"James, do you have anything you'd like to contribute?" Mr. Saldan asks me.

"Yeah, whatever she said was BS. Those people are disruptive," I say.

The crazy Muslim rolls her eyes. "They're just little kids, throwing rocks! Disruptive? Really?" She says loudly.

"Rocks that kill people! Who knows, maybe the first clip was edited? Maybe it's forcing us to see the bad things happening to them while bad things are also happening to the Israelis," I argue.

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