{ 19 } What's In The Box

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{ Saabira }

The letter still shocks me. I'm absolutely sure that this isn't Ayan. Why would she leave this? We are always together, so that doesn't make sense.

Ugh, I hate mysteries!

I take the chocolate out and examine it, saliva swirling in my mouth.

It looks so delicious.


What if the person put poison in it?

I don't want to die, I'm too young!

I shrug and end up popping it into my mouth.

I look around the room, making sure no one is around.

How did they come in? I'm frustrated and scared, even though Allah is with me. I guess I have nothing to worry about.

Except for the fact that a killer could be hiding under my couch right now.

{ James }

"We can stand here all day!" I whisper yell.

I just found a book in my dead sister's room. But not just a book! A Muslim book. But no, not just a Muslim book. A Quran, according to my father. I can't even read it, that's the funny thing.

"Ugh, these Muslims ruined my life! Can't they just all die? I'm so sick of hearing how good Islam is, how peaceful this so-called religion is. It's not! They're all bunch of terrorists that kill innocent people," my mom sniffs and continues.

"They take away our loved ones, dragging them to kill with them, making us hate each other," she starts to yell.

I look at her in shock. This isn't my mother. Sure, she hates Muslims. (Who doesn't?) But she's never said things like this.

I look over dad, who looks mad, like a volcano that's about to erupt.

"Islam is peace. You wouldn't understand. You don't live. You just sit in this house all alone. Some brother and sister, for crying out loud, are getting bombed each minute we speak! You don't have a heart, just because a group of Muslims did nine-eleven doesn't mean all Muslims are like that!" He looks at mom in disbelief.

My head begins to hurt from all this. Why did Rosemary die? We had a perfect life and a perfect family.

My father probably wouldn't have converted into a Muslim. My mother wouldn't become this crazy, and me... Well... I wouldn't be drinking and I wouldn't be working at my current job.

"What is this doing in her room?" I yelled again.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your mother?" My father replied calmly.

"After all, it was her fault my daughter died," he said.

My mother gasped. I just stood there, doing nothing. That's what I'm good at, doing nothing. I'm a coward.

"My fault? My fault! I was the one who saved her from this religion, how could I have let her live while also following this dumb and useless religion?" She shouts, letting everything out.

All of the secrets.

"What are you talking about? " My father and I ask at the same time.

But my mother just smirked and chuckled.

"I saved her from the torment, I couldn't let her disgrace our family. I did what a mother would do for her child," she smirked.

"I killed her."

{ Saabira }

I rubbed the shampoo against my skull. My hair is really curly but I love it Alhumdulilah.

To much stress for one day.

First I get told that my best friend is dead and then I come home with a note from a stranger.

I get out of the shower, looking to see if I remembered to get my new clean clothes that I was going to change into but my idiot-self forgot to.

I wrap my towel around me and get out of the bathroom.

I look at my bed and find my clothes there.

But not only that.

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