{ 6 } Liar

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{ James }

The officer starts to question me even before I have a chance to say anything. Sir, there's been an accident. Did you see anything?"

"U-um no. I didn't see anything," I say.

"Sir, have you been drinking?"

"No, ma'am. I've been a good boy... Officer Mike," I answer whilst taking a quick peek at his badge.

"I love your uniform. Does your mom wash it for you?" I say, smirking.

I touch his uniform with my hand, feeling the fabric.

"Please take your hands off of me," the officer says firmly.

I look at him, confused. "I'm just observing."

"Sir, I think you're drunk. I need to take you to the station and ask you questions," he orders.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Are there hot ladies at the station?" I slurred, following him to the police car. "O-oh and do they have juice boxes there too?"

The officer shakes his head and opens the car door for me. Rude much? He didn't even answer my questions.

I get in the car and look at the officer, whose attention is blatantly on checking the mirrors, and not me.

"Hi. Are there hot lad-," I begin to ask, hoping he will answer my question, but he cuts me off.

"Please be quiet until we get to the station. You're in a lot of trouble," he says and drives off.

He's rude.

For the past twenty minutes, I have sat here at the station answering questions.

"James, we've been told that you threw a rock at your neighbor," an officer says.

I begin to shake my head. "No, that's not true. Who told you?" I say, even though I know I threw the rock

"We saw you on camera," she replies.

" Okay, I was drunk. What's the big deal?" I say, giving in.

The lady officer turns to another officer and hands him to clipboard she was taking notes on. "We didn't actually see you on camera. But, we have the right to lie. It's a big deal that a girl got hurt," he replies while shaking his head.

What?! They lied! They said they saw me. Liars. Am I really so dumb that I would fall for that? It's not like there are any cameras in the neighborhood.

"That crazy Muslim girl lied. That wasn't me," I whine, getting up from the chair I was sitting on.

"Sir, a few seconds ago, you told us it was you and that you were drunk. Is that true?"

"I never said that," I deny, crossing my arms.

"Sir, do not lie to us. We have you on record," the male officer says, putting his hand over his eyes and shaking his head.

"I want to talk to my father," I insist.

"We will call him, right after we let the girl know it was you," he says and gets out of the room

Two minutes after the police officer left, he comes back.

"We have informed your father of your mistakes. The girl said that she forgives you, but asks for money to repair the window." the officer informs me.

"My parents will pay. Adios," I wave to the police officer, getting off of the rolling chair and stumbling to the door.

"Are you crazy? Why in hell would you throw a rock at a neighbor?" I hear my father's voice. Dang it, I just barely walked out of the police station. Now I have to deal with my father.

"I was drunk! Now take me home," I say, rubbing my eyes to try to get rid of my raging headache and the fatigue from lack of sleep.

"That's not how you talk to me," the anger in his voice surprises me.

"Dude, calm down! What's wrong with you? This is a police station. You might get arrested," I say, shaking my head at him

"Come with me. Now."

When we get to my house, I open the car door and get out.

I hear the driver's door opening and see my father coming out. What does he want now?

"I can get into my house, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore," I yell, throwing my hand up in the air.

"You're going to apologize to your neighbors," he says, catching up to me.



"Nope," I reply, popping the p.

"James Anderson," his anger voice comes out again.

"I swear once you see them you'll regret it,"

"Go. Now."

My father hates Muslims. When he sees them, he'll freak out and apologize to me instead.

I make my way towards the crazy Muslim girl's house. I look at the window that I broke and smile to myself. Good job, James. I knock, and we wait.

Finally, someone opens it. A crazy Muslim girl opens the door, it's a different crazy Muslim girl. She looks at me, confused. She is wearing the towel around her head.


I look at my father, he looks at her then smiles.

Why did he just smile? After years of teaching me what Muslims have done to this world, what they did to Rosemary? He just smiles...

"My son wanted to apologize. What he did to you was rude. He'll pay for the window repair and we hope you get better. Isn't that right, James?" He continues to smile at her.

"U-um no-" I start, but the crazy Muslim girl interrupts me.

"I'm not the girl who got hit by a rock. The girl you hit is still in the hospital." She glares at me in disgust.

"You crazy Mus-" I get cut off again, but this time by my father.

"Oh. Okay, we hope she feels better!" He gives her another smile. Is he really being serious?

Is he drunk? What's wrong inside his head? He just smiled at a Muslim.

"Is everything alright?" We hear a voice say behind us.

We turn and look.

"Hello! You must be the girl who got hit by a rock. He apologizes. He was drunk." My father says, smiling at her.

Father, stop using your smiles on Muslims. They might kill you one day.

"James, give the money to them," my father orders.

"I ain't giving them shit," I reply, walking off.

Does he really think I'll give these Muslims money? He must be living on another planet.

Muslimah Next Door { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now