{ 12 } Bar

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{ James }

"Man, you can't stay here, my roommate is coming this week," Derek says, frustrated.

"I know, I really have to get my shit together," I sigh and continue. "I got accepted for a job at Starbucks, I'll earn money and I'll be out in no time," I say with pleading eyes.

"I don't know, man, you have a family to turn to. I don't, and I made it," he says as he scratches his head. The silence hangs awkwardly above us. He knows how I feel about my parents right now.

"Are you suggesting that I go back to my Muslim dad and my crazy mother?" I say, starting to raise my voice. "I helped you when you were on the fucking streets and you're choosing him over me." I'm not a little bit angry right now. I'm furious.

How the fuck could he be acting like this?

"Chill, man, all I said was you can't stay here. Don't act as if I like killed your cat," he chuckles, shaking his head.

I don't even have a cat!

Man, I need to go drink and get away from this world.

I get up from the couch and walk towards the door.

"Where' you heading?" He instantly
asks me.

"Bar. You wanna come?"

Please, say no. Please, say no!

"Nah," he says. I mentally sigh in relief.

Derek isn't the best person to get drunk with. Like, seriously. That kid takes a half a bottle and he's drunk. I can take more than the average man my age can. That probably isn't a good thing. I've been drinking too much lately.

But who cares?

No one cares about you in this life.

No one.

That's why I like getting drunk or high cause you forget about everything. All the stress goes away.

{ Saabira }

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" I hold out the "paper" sign and she holds out the "rock" one.

" I won! In your face!" I scream. The people around us give us weird looks.

"Best out of three," she pleads, knowing what the result is probably going to be.

"That wasn't what you were saying earlier, was it? Oh, no, whoever wins the first, gets to go, so don't worry, I'll go easy on you," I mockingly reply.

She gives me a glare and turns to walk towards Victoria's Secret.

The boys near the entrance stop talking and look at her.

Okay, there were about five guys in front of the store, and I for sure wasn't going in there. No way. So I did rock paper scissors with Ayan. I won.

That's just embarrassing. Poor Ayan. Even though the clothes are going to be in a bag, it's really weird going in Victoria's Secret while boys are standing there, looking like idiots.

She'd better buy me something good.

She comes out of the store with her head down.

Why is she doing that? The boys are gone.

I start giggling as she comes near me, which earns me another glare.

Muslimah Next Door { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now