{ 20 } The Killer

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{ James }

"Mom, what are you saying?"

It's just not possible for her to kill Rosemary. It's just not!

They got in a car accident. The car went over the bridge and into the water, all because of those stupid Muslims.

"Mom?" I looked at her, not believing her.

This can't be true.

Can it?

"I had to do it! One less Muslim could save hundreds more. They are terrorists!]I didn't want my daughter to be like that, so I did a good deed, okay? God is proud of me. If it's wasn't for me, a kid might not be alive. Who knows? She could have become like those other Muslims and killed us all," her eyes were teary.

I could tell she missed her, but something was telling her to hate her. She killed her own daughter.

"So what you're going to do? Kill me, too? Kill every Muslim person?" My father asked, chuckling. I don't find anything funny about this situation. His face changes from relaxed to a pained expression. "You're not better than the terrorists, you're just like them!" His voice roars in anger.

I look at my mother, confused. How could she kill her? That doesn't make sense. Love doesn't let people kill one another. Hell... even hate can't let people do that sometimes.

"What really happened that night?" I asked her, almost calmly.

She looks away from my father to me, smiling, as if she's excited to tell her story.

"Gladly," she replied.

She takes a big sigh and begins.

"I figured out that Rosemary was learning about Islam, after all these years telling her who Muslims are and what Islam is, she runs to the religion, disrespecting her own mother! I couldn't take it. I knew if she learned more, she'll become a Muslim and turn you all into Muslims. I didn't want her to disgrace our family, so I took her out for a ride. Just as I planned, we got in a car accident, but lucky for me we got in a car accident with a family of Muslims, so you guys would hate them even more. I was thrilled. As you already know we went in the river under the bridge, I could've saved her but now I couldn't let that happen so I left her in the car to drown," she finishes as she crosses her arms together.

This bitch got away with a murder!

"I knew there was more to the story," my father commented.

"Call the police, I can't stand living in a world filled with Muslims, I'd rather rot in jail," she retorted.

"I'll let you rot in hell, you motherfucker!" I punch her right in the face, causing her to fall back and hit the ground.

"Enough! Leave her alone. I'll call the police," my father said, walking away.

What's so good about this stupid religion? Why would my own sister want to become a Muslim?

{ Saabira }

I pick up the envelope that's on my bed.

I open it up, saying BismillAllah, I don't what could be in there.

It could be a hand for all I know, but that's a bit overdramatic.

I look inside the envelope and take out the contents.

Tears form in my eyes.


Who's doing this to me?!

After all these years. I look around the room to see if someone's there, but there isn't anyone.

I look at the picture of my family.

My mom was holding close me to her chest, my dads' arm around my mom's shoulder. My brother stood next to my father with chocolate spread around his mouth.

All of them were smiling.

But now, they're all gone.

Except for my brother.

Who's in jail, I think.

{ James }

"I did kill her, I left her when I could have saved her! I did a good deed! I should be rewarded! " My mother yells while the cops put handcuffs on her.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can..." The police start to read the rights to my mother, holding her by the arm and dragging her out of the house.

I let out a big sigh.

I look over at my dad, who's staring down at the floor. No emotion shows on his face.

The books are in his hands.

I walk towards him, standing in front of him.

He looks up slowly, confused.

"Give me the book," I reach out with my right hand.

He gives it to me with no questions asked.

Let's see what this religion is all about.

Muslimah Next Door { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now