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Ren was walking around the konbini, looking for something to tend to her hand and knee. She was limping slightly from the lingering pain. She had wrapped her leg and hand up the moment she got back to the store she was hiding out in. But tending to electric shock burns wasn't something Ren needed to learn when she started taking care of her twin siblings. She learned what every first-time parent needed to, electric shock burns weren't one of those things.

As Ren stood in the aisle that had all the bandages and liquid remedies, she heard the door open. Her head snapped, ducking around the corner to hide herself. As far as Ren could tell, no one had touched that exact konbini. It was fully stocked and sure, some of the food had gone bad, which confused her at first, but no one had ransacked the place yet.


Ren peered around the corner, seeing Himari standing in the doorway of the convenience store. Ren moved forward, limping as she did. "Himari?" Ren looked around, half expecting Sousuke to be with her. "How'd you know I was here?" Ren didn't mention that she was hiding out in a 7-11. No one asked, no one cared what she did, they just wanted to get through the game without dying.

Himari held up the first-aid kit. "Can I tend to your burns?" Ren looked down at her hand before nodding. Himari gave her a small smile. Ren could see through the smile that Himari was still hurting from last night's game, losing Sōma like that. Even though he had good intentions, he just forgot for a split-second not to talk. Anyone could have done it.

Ren made her way to Himari who escorted her outside to get a better look at the wounds in the sun. Ren sat on the curb while Himari poured water from the store. Ren hissed at the pain - she had cleaned the burns the best she could, but she didn't know the proper way.

"Are you a doctor?" Ren asked through clenched teeth.

Himari shook her head. "Not yet." She commented. Ren looked at her with a confused look on her face. "I was on my way to an interview when I ended up here." Himari said.


"What about you?"

Ren closed her eyes, allowing herself to take in the sunshine. "I was standing on the corner, smoking, not paying attention. Then..." Ren recalled the feeling. It was like someone literally punched her straight in the gut, taking all the wind straight out of her. "I turned around and everyone was gone." Ren said.

Himari glanced at Ren before wiping the excess water off of Ren's knee. "Sousuke hasn't stopped talking about you."

Ren kept her eyes closed as she spoke. "Made that much of an impression, huh?"

"You did save him from having his visa kill him."

"How long have you been here?" Ren asked as she opened her eyes. Himari paused what she was doing. Apparently, it was a question that you didn't ask. Himari didn't answer as she wrapped Ren's leg after applying the cream. "Too long?" Ren questioned.

Himari looked at Ren. Ren shrugged. "I can just tell." Ren held out her hand for Himari to tend to. "I arrived yesterday," Ren hissed as the water made contact with the burn a little too quickly for her liking. "Last night was my second game." Ren added once she got used to the pain.

Himari stared at Ren in shock. "You jumped right into another game after getting your first visa?" She asked.

Ren shrugged. "I couldn't sit around and wallow." Ren looked up and down the street as Himari began to clean the burn and apply the cream. "It's not like I really wanted to, but sitting on a 3-day visa wasn't exactly settling." Ren commented as she recalled she was down to 5 days now.

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