7. capture the flag [m]

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the bonfire was pretty chill. i hung out with kayley, francis and a couple of people from other cabins.

a while after everyone sat around the fireplace, jackson pulled out a megaphone out of nowhere, "attention everyone! we will be playing capture the flag! there will be four teams, based on your groupings."

great, i had to play a game with him in my team. francis was appointed as our group leader, so when she went to retrieve the team vests and flag, kayley pulled me and lucas aside. "listen, both of you." she whispered, "if we want to win this thing, i need you two to cooperate and stop acting like you want each other dead."

i crossed my hands together, "well you should tell HIM that." he immediately fired back, "excuse me?" before i could say anything more, francis came back with the vests and flags, as well as two torches. "the game starts in five minutes, and our territory should be some place near the box office. remember, the entire camp is the game arena, so we have to save our energy till the end." 

she then handed me and kayley the torches, "we'll split into two groups, one group will be protecting the flag and the other will be trying to retrieve flags." we then sprinted across the grass to the entrance and made a large circle with a long rope. then, lucas dug a hole in the ground and put the flag up. 

it was practically dark out, with hints of the remaining sun light shining dimly through the gaps of the trees. me and lucas were told to stay put in our territory and to tag anyone that entered our circle. no long after, the honk goes off, and we stood on the opposite ends of the circle. 

not even after a minute, he walked over and took the flashlight from my hands. "what are you doing?" i tried to take it back. he then raised his right hand high up so i couldn't get it. "it's not like you're going to need it when you tag people. just stay here and i'll do everything." does he think i'm useless? but at this point, i didn't care anymore. it was starting to get cold and i was exhausted, so i let him have his way. "suit yourself." i said as i walked to the other end of the circle. 

after around five minutes, we heard commotion coming from the trees to our north. we stayed as still as rocks, and when around 3 people come rushing towards us, we got ready to tag them. 

i sped up to approach one the guys, but he shined the flashlight right in my eye, which caught me off guard. i closed my eyes for a split second to avoid the light, and when i reopened them, i saw them rushing for the flag. i tried to stop them, but one of them tripped me and i fell to the ground. i slammed my chin on the grass and it scrapped along the mud. 

after lucas tagged all three of the guys at once, which i had no clue how he moved that fast, they were sent to the box office since it was the out zone for people who were tagged. as they left our circle, the honk sounded again. the game was over, and our flag was still here. to prove how much of a jerk he is, he stood there with his arms crossed while watching me trying to get up. 

"next time, don't be in my team if you can't help." he said as he turns to walk to the meet up point, the fireplace. "it's not my fault if someone trips me in the leg and my chin slams to the ground, is it?" i said furiously as i cupped my chin to stop the blood from dripping. 

after everyone gathered again, we reunited with kayley and francis. "sorry guys, we got tagged towards the end." francis turned to look at me, "oh my god, mila, what happened?" i let out an awkward chuckle, "some guy from the blue team tripped me over and my chain hit the ground, i'm fine though." "you're fine? look at you! we'll get you to the nurses room, don't worry." kayley said as she inspected my chin. 

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