12. day one [l]

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everyone lined up near the front to get ready to greet the children. me and our team were in charge of ten kids in total, so it shouldn't be that hard, right?

as we waited, francis pulled out a clip board and we gathered in a circle. 

"ten kids.." she flipped through the names. "this is going to be so fun." kayley practically squealed. "fun until some kid trips over something or burns their hand with a hot glue gun." i said under my breath. they looked at me in disgust. 

"what?" i stared at them, "i'm just saying it could happen." francis was about to say something, but then got interrupted by mila. "guys! the first bus is here!" her eyes glowed in the bright sunlight as she pointed excitedly. 

turns out, five of them were in our group. they all had suitcases way bigger than them with oversized camp shirts. surprisingly, we got the younger kids compared to the other groups. 

the three girls started ticking their names off while trying to start conversations with them. i just stood there, not quite knowing what to do. i watched as they the rest of the kids from our group gather around. we had some kids around 8, and some only a few years younger than us. they all had name tags with their first and last names pinned onto their camp shirts. 

we sat in a circle getting to know each other, while francis handed me the clipboard for me to take a look over. i scanned all the names at once, but a name in particular caught my attention. 

mark marin.


marco marin. 

no, it can't be. as my pulse increases, i could feel sweat forming on my forehead. i shot my head up and looked around the circle to look for his name tag. and there he was, mark marin. the resemblance to his older brother was uncanny: it was the same tan skin, the same brown hair and the same brown eyes. he was a complete carbon replica of his older brother. marco. 

the name marco sends a billion needles into my back. i feel chills in my spine just looking at marin, because every time i look at him, all i remember is what his brother did to me. 

i felt as if the breakfast from this morning slowly ooze its way up back into my mouth. i cover my mouth with my palms while i fold my stomach inwards to try and withstand the pain. everyone was still talking so they didn't really notice anything. good. 

my eyes grow hot as liquid forms in the corners of them. calm down. it's just his younger brother. it's not like he's here at the camp. i'm being dramatic, hell, i shouldn't even start tearing up. 

i'm pathetic. 

with the introduction session almost ending, i try my best to surpass the memories of last summer. i slightly tilt my head upwards to let the tears fall back into my eyes as i pretend to wipe sweat off of my forehead while dabbing my eyes on my arm.

the summer camp of 2012Where stories live. Discover now