5. group one [m]

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that guy is officially a jerk. what the fuck is his problem? i have been nothing but nice ever since we've met. all he does is act like he's so much better than me and ignores me. so you want to be all mean? well, two can play that game, lucas. 

i planned on leaving the cabin after i store my stuff away. as i was reapplying more sunscreen, lucas decided to break the silence. "you know, we're not at a beauty pageant." he says as he laid on his bed reading something. i put the bottle down with a loud thud, "it's sunscreen you idiot, it's called protecting your skin." he was about to say something but then two knocks were heard on the door. i rushed to open it to see kayley and a couple of people outside.

"hey mila! these are all the camp councillors that will be with us for the entire camp, we're going to gather at the box office to get to know one another. we've gathered everyone except for you and lucas. come on out!" she told me. i nod and walked out of the cabin. as the others go and get lucas, i walked with kayley to the office. 

"so, how's your cabin mate?" she asked me as we treaded through the grass. "he's so rude and annoying and mean and such a jerk and-" "okay stop," she cuts me in the middle of my rant. "he looks so cute." her eyes practically turned into hearts. i dramatically faked a vomit, "him? cute? come on kayley." she elbowed me in my arm, "you see that hair? it's brown and fluffy. you see those eyes? it's hazel and deep. you see those biceps? lord have mer-" i slapped my hands on her mouth, "okay, stop, gross." 

she giggled as she pushed open the door to the box office. after everyone has entered, we all gather around as an older boy begins to speak.

"hello everyone! welcome to camp lakewood! my name is jackson and i am this year's councillor leader. first, i'd like to thank everyone here for helping out, i'm sure we will all have a great time." a few people started clapping and cheering. "so, you lot will be divided into groups. however, it doesn't mean that you will have different jobs, it just means that your group members will be able to help one another out when encountering difficult situations."

he then went on and on about the rules and what to do in emergency situations. before he began the ice breaker activities, he told us to go in our groups. "so, listen closely, everyone, because these will be the groupings for the rest of the camp."

"group one, cabin one and cabin two, kayley lewis, francis patel, mila zhang and lucas d'angelo." 

i rolled my eyes when i heard that. not only we had to be in the same cabin, but we also had to work together. oh well, at least i had kaylee. 

we all gathered into our groups. i reluctantly walked over to kayley and who i assumed to be francis, and of course, lucas. "hey guys!" kayley greeted everyone with a bright smile, the same one i saw her with when i first met her. "i'm kayley! i'm so excited to be working with y'all." "and i'm francis! i can't wait to get to know you guys." she came over to hug me, which took me by shock, but i still went in for the hug. she then went in for a handshake with lucas. i already like her. 

"hey guys, i'm mila. i'm 16 this year." i then looked up to lucas, expecting him to go next. instead, i caught him staring at me. his head then snapped back to his usual position, "the name's lucas." he said in the most monotone voice ever. as kayley and francis exchanged glances, i mouthed "he's a jerk" to them, and they giggled. 

"something funny?" he glared at me, "yeah, you, you asswipe." i snapped back. i then realised i had said that a little too loud and everyone had heard me. a bunch of laughter soon erupted as jackson half yelled, "hate speech of any sort will not be tolerated! come on be mature we're all teenagers." 

the ice breaker activities went on for another hour or so, and i had met some cool people. we got to know group two, which also had 4 members and were cabin three and four. one of the guys, kai, was very nice to me and helpful the entire time. we also had some similar interests and likes, which was great. 

we also found out that there was a cafeteria in the box office that can be accessed through another door. we all headed back to the cabin at 3pm. 

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