Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Carmella's POV

"Carmella, you can't stay one more day in this house, it been 3 days. If you don't come out I'm calling mom." Ethan threatened from outside of my room.

I felt a massive headache forming in my head, and Ethan's constant banging on my door is really getting on my nerves. I've been crankier since yesterday and I can't tell why, it seems that something is so off. I've always been one who can hold her temper but today wasn't that day. I sighed and very grumpily walked to the door.

"Fine. Now stop yelling and banging on the damn door!" I yelled at Ethan and slammed the door in his face.

I took a quick shower and threw on some random clothes. I had a hoodie with jeans and my black converse. I didn't bother for make up nor comb my hair, so I just raked my fingers through it and tied it in a very messy bun. Ethan was waiting downstairs with an unreadable expression.

"What's got your undies in a twist?" he asked arching an eyebrow.

"Don't start." I said bitchily.

He raised his hands up in surrender and we silently drove to school.

When we got to school I didn't bother to wait for Jess. I got my books and slammed my locker shut earning a few looks from people around. I am in a very bad mood and my face tells it all.

I sat in the very back of my class, not bothering to listen. My teacher just talked non stop and I just dozed off till somebody was snapping their fingers in front of me. I scowled once I turned to see who it was.

"What fuck to do you want?" I said snapping at him.

I got a few ohh's and looks and the class turned quiet. I guessed I must've said that out loud, well I don't really care at the moment.

"Whoa, chill princess. Somebody is having a bad day." Adam said.

"Yes I am, and you're making it worse. Now stop talking to me."

He stayed quiet for moment but then I could hear him tapping his pen on the table which got me so irritated. I tried to block him out but it wasn't working.

"Pst. Princess."


"Ella..." Now he was tugging on my sleeve.

I couldn't stand it anymore. Every little thing was just getting on my nerves now.

" Can you shut the fuck up! Can't you see that I don't want to talk to you! Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled at him.

"Ms. Smith, detention this afternoon." my teacher walked up to and said. That's when I realized that everybody was watching me in complete silence.

"What?! Now it's my fault?! He's the one who wouldn't shut up! Great. Just great!" I answered back.

"That just earned a week of detention Ms. Smith"

I was so mad that I was shaking. I slammed my stuff into my bag and stomped out my class.

My headache was so bad I think my brain was about to explode. I went to my locker and rested my head. Now I felt like I was at verge of crying. I screamed into my locker and kicked it.

Then I felt a pair of arms embrace me from behind. I was so exhausted to even bother to shake it off.

I turned to see that it was Jess.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"No." I muttered more to myself, I can feel that my tears were about to fall. I embraced her again, and that was when I cried.

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