Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Carmella’s POV

Half of me was nervous, half was comfortable. You know that feeling when you have trust issues with everybody, but there's that one person who makes it seem so easy to trust and you actually don't question it? Well yeah, that's Jared. That's what scares me. I'm having so much 'What If's' in my head that its gonna drive me crazy.

We were on our way to who knows where, Jared practically dragged me out of my house and my mom just actually let him. I could sue him for kidnapping. My head was rested on the window arms crossed and bored outta my butt even though we were only driving for two minutes. I hate when I don’t know where I’m going.

It was still winter, even though it's practically the end of march. It still snows once in a while and I don't know where we could possibly go and have fun. If you can't tell, I'm not a winter person, I hate it when its so cold. I would rather have a loving relationship with my bed and comfy blankets than go outside and freeze my butt off. Hey, why do I keep saying butt? Oh well.

"Where are we going?" I asked boredly.

"I can't tell you that sweetheart. " I blushed at the name he called but quickly covered it up. I looked out the window again trying to guess where we were going, I'll ever know, till we stop of course.

As if right on cue, we stopped at the ferry. He parked his car and got out, and I just sat there like a fish out of water wondering why are we here. I guess this means were taking the ferry? Okay. I really hate guessing. Jared came to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"Are you coming?"

"Well obviously" I said in a duh tone. "Can you tell me where are we going now?"

" Nope" He said popping the p. I sighed in defeat knowing that I won't get anything out of him.

We took the ferry to the city and when we got there I thought that was it, but no. We still had to take the subway. I never knew that Jared knew how to take the subway. We got our metrocards and filled it in. We swiped away and we are now waiting for the bus going to who know's where.

Jared gladly assisted me on the train and luckily we didn't have to stand up. We passed a couple of stations  until we arrived at chinatown. I quirked an eyebrow at Jared and he just smiled.

“Do you speak Chinese? Are you going to sell me here? Are you going to sell my kidneys?!” I gasped in horror having my hand to my heart. Jared looked at me like I’ve grown two heads, then all of a sudden he bursted out laughing. He laughed for almost about a minute having to wipe a tear from his eye.

“Whats so funny?!” I whined. "First you kidnap me from my house, second you take me to Chinatown and you won't tell me where we're going." I said with a huff. Jared just kept on laughing till I turned my back away from him.

"Hey, okay okay. Holy batman. You could have some crazy stuff up there" He said while he ruffled my hair still chuckling. "We're just going to eat here, I'm not selling you or your kidneys and no, I don't speak Chinese." He said grabbing my shoulder to turn me around.

"Did you say food?" I said fighting a smile.

" Yes, we're going to eat, now lets go. " He told me.


We were at some place called Wonton Garden, somewhere around here. The food was amazing. I let Jared order everything since he knows the place. Jared was watching me in awe eating soup, then I had rice and some side dishes. I attempted to use the chopsticks but I kept making a fool out of myself so I finally gave up and stuck with my spoon and fork.

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