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Chapter 5:

Carmella's POV

(A year ago. Continuation of Chap.4)

Monday. Everybody hates monday's.

I really wasn't in the mood to go to school this morning because of yesterday's events. I locked myself up in my room the whole day yesterday, too scared to go out.

I never heard of Brandon since that morning.

I couldn't sleep. The memory of yesterday scared me like no tomorrow. I was up all night, listening to my surroundings if he was trying to come back in my room. The creaking of the bed, the scraping of the branches on my window, they all made my heart race. Tears in my eyes. Anger in my heart.

So, I practically look like the walking dead.

Hooray for Monday! NOT.

I got up, brushed my teeth, tied my hair into a messy bun. Applied a little bit of makeup to hide the dark circles under my eyes.

Ethan was waiting for me at the table, making us breakfast. As I came down the stairs, he looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay? You look like shit. What kept you up all night?"

"Good morning to you too. Yes I'm fine. Just had a lot of homework to finish."

He still didn't looked convinced but he let it pass anyway.

Ethan was my other brother. He was a junior and I was a sophomore. He was the one who always kept an eye on me when our parents weren't around.

Brandon on the other hand has dropped out of college. Him and Ethan do not get along. For Some reason, we think he's doing something illegal, but hadn't really caught him.

After what happened, I'm becoming more positive that he's up to something.


Ethan drove us to school with a only the music surrounding our silence. It was a comfortable silence with Ethan. The one you feel safe with.

We parted ways when we got to school. I went up to my locker to get my books for first period when my bestfriend slammed her hand on locker next to me making me to jump 10 feet in the air screaming. Which earned us a few looks.


She smirked at me.

" Well, you look like you needed a good morning scare to wake you up. Looks like someone's been up all night"

" I just had to finish that stupid math homework Mr.Harrison gave us."

"You can't lie to me you know. I know you inside out, intestines included. Now spill."

" It's nothing. Just homework"  I forced a fake smile on my face.

"Whatever you say" She sang. "You'll spill sooner or later."

And with that, we headed to first period.

When lunch break came, I was barely touching my food. Spacing out. Jessica snapped her fingers in front of me.

" There's definitely something wrong. You don't just space out and not eat."

What happened was really bothering me to no end and I was really contemplating if I should tell Jessica or not.

I decided that for now I will keep it to myself since it only happened once. And I hope it stays that way.

" You'll know when the right time comes" I told her. She eyes me with suspicion but then noded.

Lucky for me she isn't the pushy-tell-me-everything-right-now bestfriend. She'll wait till your ready and hear you out.

Suddenly, the cafeteria went dead silent you could hear a pin drop. We looked around to see what was it about when we saw them.

Adam Anderson and Jared Collins.The schools bad boys. Yes, Two of them. They were both juniors. They were having a stare down because Adam and his friends took Jared's table.

"Move." I heard jared said.

Adam smirked. "Make me."

Jared's hand was turning curling into a ball. This was not good. You see here people, we have two bad boys here, and no, they're not friends. Two groups, different friends, rivals of the throne.

He looked around the cafeteria admiring the crowd watching their little drama show. Then his eyes landed on me. He kept contact for a good 30secs then smirked. A devilish glow in his eyes.

And with that, Jared hit him hard in the face. A bruise was starting to form. Obviously, Adam hit back everybody saw it coming.

Why did he look at me like that? It sent shivers down my spine.

But of course I won't let him know that.


Lunch ended in a dramatic way. I was at my locker when someone stepped by my side.


He was leaning against the locker beside me. His muscles were hidden under his leather jacket, but you could see his abs formed under his fit black shirt. His hair was tousled and his eyes was shining in amusement.  WHOAAAA. HOLD ON. OMG. I WAS NOT CHECKING HIM OUT.

"Are you done sweetheart?"

"Gross. Keep that 10 headed ego of yours to yourself. What do you want?"  I spat.

Silence filled the hallways, everybody was watching closely, afraid that he might rip my head off. He was very intimidating, of course I was  scared but I'm not letting him see that.

"Nothing. Just wanted to tell you..." he bent down to whisper in my ear.

"...this won't be the last you'll see of me."  

and with that, he walked away and the bell rang.



How am I doing guys? :) I hope you're liking it. There will be so much more to reveal!


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