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Chapter 11:

Carmella's POV

I was walking home that afternoon. Trying to make everything that's happening so fast to sink in. My thoughts were cut short when someone from a corner grabbed me.

I screamed but he covered my mouth with his hand and pushed me to the wall.

OMG..Not this again. Not again.

He pushed me hard. I was scared to death. Then he whispered

"You may want to stay away from Collins, I told you if I wanted something I'll get it. And I don't like to share" His voice was thick and hoarse.

I was sweating intensely, I was starting to see black dots. He let go of me and turned me around so I was facing him. And that's when I fainted.


I woke at the hospital with a throbbing headache. I tried to take in my surroundings, nobody was there.

Suddenly Ethan came through the door.

"Ella, are you ok?  Can you remember what happened?"

"Who took me here?" I said. Avoiding his question.

"They wouldn't say. Whoever it was told them not to say anything, they said he just dropped you here and took off"

"Adam" I said weakly. 

"That motherfucker!" He growled. " This is the second time he gave you a panic attack! I'm gonna kill that piece of shit!"

"Ethan, calm down. You don't want to be messing with them. He's dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt"

"I can't just sit here and watch you like this Ella."

" Please, just for now"

He looked at me like a grown two heads.

"Fine" He said, but obviously not agreeing with me.

I get to go home a few hours after I was stable.


It's Sunday. THE 25TH. I hate this day of every month. I went downstairs to see that Ethan was already dressed. I do not want to do this again.

"C'mon Ella, you have to come. This is not debatable. "

I groaned. I had no choice.

I got ready and before I could even protest Ethan was already dragging me to the car.

I sat in the passengers seat with my arms crossed and a frown on my face. I pretty much look like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum.

"Ella, it's going to be fine. It's just your regular"

" Yea, but with more breakdowns and fainting this time, ugh I hate when she asks the same questions all the time"

" Well it's for you anyway. "

15 minutes later we arrived at my therapist. Yes a therapist. If you still didn't catch on well I have depression. I have Persistent Depressive Disorder and it sucks to be me.

I looked over at Ethan and he was giving me that look telling me not to argue about this.

I sighed and climbed out of the car. I walked in with Ethan to my psychiatrist' clinic.

"Hello Ella, how are we doing dear? " She greeted. " Take a seat."

She scanned through her charts, asked me questions, jolted down notes. After an hour  it was finally over.

"Well, I have to change your meds and increase your dose a bit. If you have any bad side effects of this, just give me a call"

I nodded. We were heading out her clinic when she called out

" Don't worry dear, you'll be fine. It's gonna get better" I just gave her a weak smile. I really hope so.


At school. I avoided Jared for two whole weeks. When I would see him around I would walk in another direction. I didn't sit with them at lunch either, instead I would stay at the library. I was scared that he could make me comfortable so easily that in the end it would hit me hard. I sighed with all these thoughts coming to my mind, it's hard to balance everything. School, family, my feelings.

When I came out of the library I heard students cheering in the hall way, I went to take a peek when I saw a crowd gathered around something. Or someone I should say.

It was Jared and Adam. They were fighting.

First I saw that Jared was on top of Adam beating his face. There was blood already. In a few seconds Adam turned them over so it was him on top now.

I don't know what hit me but the next thing I knew I was running towards them yelling at them to stop.

I saw their friends on each end, nobody could hear me so I made my way through the crowd and jumped in the middle. Everybody went dead silent.

"Stop! Enough! Both of you!" I shouted. Pushing Adam of Jared. I could see Ryan lounging towards me to protect but Jared held up a finger at him.

I stood by Jared's side.

"Well well, if it isn't the princess herself. Came to save your little Collins?" He spat wiping the blood dripping from his mouth.

"He doesn't need any saving. But I don't want him to go down to your level, fighting a pathetic piece of shit like you!" I spat.

I heard gasps. Like everyone was waiting for Adam to make his fist fly in my direction.

With that, I tugged on Jared and we walked away. Ryan and the group came rushing by our side.

" Ooohh Feisty Little Ella we have here"  Jake said ruffling my hair.

I swatted away his hand and turned to Jared.

He looked like a scared puppy. Ha! He's scared of me. Who knew.

"What was that!?" I yelled.

" I heard what he did to you! He was joking around about it with his friends and I just lost it! To sum it up you were avoiding me for God knows what reason I did, and all my anger just built up." He huffed.

I stared at him dumbfounded. But realized my reason for avoiding him.

" Why do you care?! " I spat. 

" Because I just do Ella! You're an amazing girl, I can see through you that somehow in someway you're hurting. I know you're scared to let other people in, I caught on with that from Jess' reaction when she saw us at the ferry. And when you walked out of lunch that day. How your eyes never seem to get enough rest. I know something's wrong and I just want to help. I want to prove to you that you can trust other people too."

I didn't say anything. Instead, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Jared came to embrace me in a hug.

" You such a stupid ass for doing that." I said through tears and laughter at the same time.

He just chuckled.



I PROMISE TO ADD CHARACTERS THE NEXT TIME I UPDATE. I just haven't fullt decided on them yet. And I promise to update this week.


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