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Chapter 7:

 (a year ago)

Carmella's POV

Ring ring..Ring ring ring..

"Hello!!! Are we going out?!" Jess said enthusiastically.

"We need to talk, I have something to tell you" My voice almost cracking.

"Oh." I could almost see her smile falter at the tone of my voice. " Is everything ok?"

"Lets meet at the the park in ten"

"okay. I'll be on my way" She said quietly, unsure how to respond to me.


I got there before Jess. Once I spotted her coming out of her car, I ran to her and threw my arms around her, I couldn't help the tears coming out.

"Omg. What happened?" She caressed my hair soothingly.

I let out a few more sobs and then pulled back, pulling her hand to take a seat over at the bench.

I just stared at the ground for a few minutes, getting a hold of myself. Jess stayed quiet, patiently waiting for my story.

" He touched me" I said in an almost whisper.

"Who? Who touched you? What do you mean Ella? " She asked in a calm voice.

"Brandon." I said quietly. My eyes starting to water again.

"He touched me. Twice. He tried to pin me against the against the wall. The first was in my room. Everytime he tried something, he gets interrupted."

Then I went on, telling her all the details. I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered.

Too shocked to absorb all the information. We stayed quiet for a moment.

"You should tell Ethan." She said

"I can't. He warned me to not say anything. I'm too scared that he has more than he shows, he might actually kill me."

"Do you think he's on drugs?"

"Its either that, or he's mentally ill. Who in the right mind would do that?"

Now I could feel my anger building up.

" Fine. We'll keep it for now. At least somebody other than you knows now. You can't bottle up all your emotions. These are very fragile emotions that could go wrong. If it happens again, you better tell me."

I nodded in silence.


After the talk with Jess, I felt a little bit relieved that I got something off my shoulders. I got home, and surprisingly my mom and dad was there too.

"Hello sweetie" My mom said with an angelic voice.

I wonder where my brother got his demonic one.

I forced a smile on my face, and pushed aside the happenings. It's not everyday I see them both home. Let alone my dad sober.

"Hey mom, Hi dad. It's good to see you home"

I could see she was stitching up my dad on the eyebrow. He must have gotten into a drunk fight. After she sewed the last stitch she sighed.

"Well your father here had an emergency. Plus, I've missed you, I haven't seen you in a while hon"

"Hey baby girl, how's school? " My dad asked.

"It's good dad. But it's better seeing you sober once in a while."

He chuckled.

"I know sweetheart. It's just all this stress at work catching up on me"

"Dinner is in 30 dear" My mother said.

I nodded and went to my room.


I was staring at the ceiling. Something that I've been doing a lot lately. I would space out, then I would feel my emotions rage again, tears falling involuntarily down my cheeks. I mean, once or twice it was still incredulously wrong. He was my  brother for crying out loud! I threw a book to the wall, then muffled a frustrated scream in my pillow.  

"Mind to explain why you look like you lost a million dollars and that you seem like you're gonna turn into a psycho any minute? "

Shit. I cursed in my head. I forgot to lock my door and Ethan was leaning on it's door frame arms crossed over his chest.

Then I saw Brandon pass by my door to go downstairs, he winked me that sent an evil meaning telling me not to tell Ethan.

"Nothing. It's just we have a frustrating family, that's all. Mom is never home, Dad hasn't changed, Brandon, I don't even know if what the hell he is doing, you know it's just....Ugh." I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face.

He seemed to buy it. " I know Ella, it's just you and me most of the time, but don't stress over it. We should make the most out of it, right? It would suck more if you were alone." He came to my bed and sat on the edge, embracing me in a hug. He kissed the top of my forehead and ruffled my hair.

"C'mon, foods almost ready"

I nodded.

He would freakin' kill Brandon if he found out. No, not now. It's not the right time.

Dinner that night went by fast. Small talk here and there with my parents. I could see Brandon glancing at me every once in a while. His eyes bloodshot red, bags under them.

I didn't dare to look his way.


The next day I never thought I would say this, but right now I like being in school more than anything. I feel safer, than in that house. I spotted Jess already at her locker not far away from mine.  I want revenge from that time she spooked me. (Evil Laugh)

I blended in the crowd so she won't see me. I went up behind her, and whispered in her ear.



She turned around glaring at me. I smirked.


"Well Good morning to you too, plus I just wanted my revenge"

She rolled her eyes, and we went to first period.

After first period we still had next period together which I'm thankful of. I wouldn't know any better way to survive math without your bestfriend.

Mr. Harrison's voice was the most monotonous voice I ever heard. I started doodling away coz I was so bored in this damn class.

Once the bell rang we were the first to sprint out o DC our seats. We reached my locker to see Jay there.

Jay is our other best friend but is barely around coz he  is in the drama club. We've been friends since forever, nah not really just since kindergarten.

When I opened my locker a note fell from inside.

I picked it up and in black ink it said:

"Send my regards to Brandon. - Adam"






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