The Spider and the Goddess

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Peter Parker was not your average person, although he thought himself just an average guy some times who just tried to do the right thing, in the end he knew he was anything but average. He was the hero Spider-Man, well hero to some and not so much to others. Such as the new mayor of New York his old boss Jameson.

Peter was currently just swinging through the city in his Spider-Man suit just trying to relax a bit, the city never slept just like how people said, it was one of the reasons Peter liked this city there was always something happening. Kind of like his life now that he thought about it. He now had a great job at Horizon Labs where he could make new Spider gear and as a cover he was like the 'Q' for Spider-Man at least that's what everyone at work thought. Plus where else could he get to play around with the kind of equipment that they had?

Well okay there was the stuff Mr. Fantastic had that Peter also got to see as he was also part of the Future Foundation. It felt weird replacing his friend Johnny, hell sometimes he didn't feel right taking his place after his death. Plus there was the fact that he was on not one but two Avenger teams. When you added in that he still swung around the city fighting street crime or one of his usual villains he came across it was no wonder he had no social life at the moment.

Of course the fact that his last girlfriend had broken up with him two weeks ago after he saved the city from turning into giant spider monsters didn't help either. Things with him and Charlie had been tensed but then she figured out that he had kept his secret of being Spider-Man from her and that had been the last straw with her. Peter knew that part of him was keeping busy so he wouldn't think about it but honestly he just was feeling kind of like crap on the inside. He never showed it of course he kept up the jokes but he hated it when relationships ended.

Okay sure it wasn't the worst breakup he had, hell that wasn't so bad considering his track record. The first love of his life Gwen had been killed and died in his arms. That was something that still haunted him although it was thanks to MJ that he was able to move on. Then came Mary Jane the other great love of his life, he even asked her to marry him and sometimes wished she had said yes. Of course they had lived for years together but at least now they had worked things out to where they were friends again.

Of course a part of him would always love her, then there was his very complicated relationship with Black Cat. He didn't even know where they stood now, maybe sex friends was the only thing that came to mind as there was certainly chemistry with them but she always wanted to have sex with his mask on so any kind of relationship with her was out of the question.

"Man Peter you're luck really isn't great with women," He muttered to himself. "I swear every time I get a girl I seem to lose her at the worst ways. Sometimes I think I should just give up on the whole dating thing but then again I'm not a monk either. I wonder if Iron Fist has this kind of problem he's kind of a monk right?"

"Great now I'm asking myself questions not a good sign," he sighed as he landed on a building. Looking around it didn't look to be anything going on tonight. He continued on for twenty minutes not finding anything not even a Jaywalker, it rarely was this quiet either that or he was just looking in the wrong places.

He was currently getting close to Hell's Kitchen area which was Daredevil's territory and he didn't think he wanted to get close to there. He was about to call it quits for the night before he heard a woman yelling. It was followed by several male voices and years of experience told Peter that something was up. He quickly moved to the rooftop of where he was hearing the noise and found it coming from an alleyway. Looking down he couldn't get a good look but there were three men forcing a woman around and he could tell something was wrong with this picture.

He jumped down to land on the wall above them from behind.

"You know sometimes it amazes me that criminals still operate in this city." Spider-Man said suddenly making the three men jump and turn around and then look up in shock and surprise. "I mean do you know how many heroes work in this city? How many hero teams there are?"

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