The Oracle

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Julia Carpenter woke up in her bed sweating with a start, she was breathing heavily as she fell back onto her bed and placed her arm over her eyes. Although she didn't have to, being physically blind now she didn't 'see' like normal people. She saw the world in a way that her old eye sight couldn't even imagine. So placing something over her eyes was kind of pointless as she could still See the world. It was just habit forming.

"God damn it," She muttered to herself she pulled the covers to reveal her body. She was wearing just panties and a loose wife beater top. She was still physically fit and she had spent a lot of time and effort getting her stomach back to a nice flat surface after her pregnancy. The only problem she had was the wet spot between her legs, her panties were soaked in her juices and she could see her nipples poking at the thin material of her top.

"Why is this happening?" She asked herself not used to not having answers, not when she could see the future. Her long red hair was slightly tangled up as she got up to changed out of her spoiled underwear. She didn't want her daughter to see her by accident like this. This had been going on for weeks now, every time she went to sleep she kept seeing things in her dreams, or maybe she should say someone in her dreams.

She kept seeing Peter in various sexual acts with other women, the first time it had happened she had thought it had been just a dream. It hadn't stopped and even now when she was awake she saw visions of whenever Peter was with another woman. She had gotten used to having visions and knowing what was going to happen or what was happening in the world around her but this was getting harder and harder to deal with.

Mainly because she hadn't been laid in months and now she was horny and with no way to satisfy her urges. Oh sure she had been able to sate herself somewhat through more personal means when she was alone. But masturbation could only do so much, after some time you started to crave the feel of another person. To feel the warm flesh of someone against your own, all the little touches, the sounds, the words spoken in the intimate act. You couldn't replace all of that and now she was starting to crave the feel of someone else.

She needed something to help push these thoughts away, maybe a cold shower would help. It was still early and her daughter Rachel wouldn't be up yet. Going to the bathroom she closed the door and started up the shower. She stepped in hissing at the cold as she tried to ease the almost burning desire of her body. The cold water seemed to wash it away until she felt better and slowly turned up the heat so it was mildly warm. She grabbed the soap and started to wash her body.

She was still in the shower when more images suddenly showed up into her mind, these visions were so vivid that it almost felt like she was living them.

At first it was Peter with the red headed former model and actress Mary Jane, she knew of their past together and of what they had been doing together. The two were currently at Mary Jane's apartment, Julia could see the scattered clothing all over the bed room as the two were already at it. Julia didn't know if this was the past, present or future at the moment, it wasn't always clear but she could see and hear everything.

She experienced Mary Jane riding on top of Peter, her hands on his chest as she cried out with her head thrown back as she bucked wildly on him, he was holding her hips as he helped her. Julia's breathing increased as she could almost feel the sensations, the smell of sweat and sex, hear the sounds.

Julia's hand slowly started to roam over her wet body as she experienced another vision. This time it was Peter with She-Hulk, she had learned in past visions that Jennifer liked her sex a little rough at times, she liked it hard as she could take it. Most likely all that repressed sexuality was unleashed when she was She-Hulk, in her vision she saw them naked. She-Hulk was up against a wall as Peter fucked her into it, her green legs wrapped around him as he held the jade giant by her ass as he hammered her.

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