Morning After

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Peter tossed in his bed as something felt off, the bed felt slightly different. As his sleepy mind slowly came too he found that the sheets seemed different. He opened his eyes expecting the darkness of his apartment but instead once again there were candles everywhere. He found that his bed sheets were now made from black silk as he looked around.

"Damn been here before," Peter ran his hand though his hair pushing himself up with the other.

"Glad you remembered," purred a sexy and yet familiar voice as someone's bare arm wrapped around him as he suddenly found that he wasn't alone in the bed anymore. Next was that woman from that really intense sex dream awhile back.

"Ah this seems familiar," He joked as the woman kissed him passionately and as god as his witness that kiss felt more real than any dream and kissing her felt like his whole body felt alive.

"You've had a busy time," she kissed his neck as one of her hands stroked his chest. "All those women."

"Yeah...kind of been an eventual time lately," He liked the way her lips felt on his skin, plus her own skin was so impossibly smooth and soft.

"Do you like what happened?" She asked him as her hand went lower and found his manhood, her soft slim fingers slowly wrapped around it as she started stroking him.

"Yes, and I like where this is going too," Peter sighed.

She smiled whispering into his ear, "Then would you like all of them? All at once, having them all in your bed?"

Peter groaned feeling his hardening dick in her expert hand as he thought about it. Hell what man after reaching puberty never thought about being with more than one woman at a time? Only fantasy was a lot easier than reality but he was in a dream right? What the hell, he might as well play along then.

"Yeah I would like that."

"Then take them," She said and suddenly when she pulled back it wasn't the dream woman anymore but a familiar red head Mary Jane Watson.

"Come on Tiger, fuck me." She told him.

"You got it beautiful," Peter took her close kissing her as he leaned her onto her back on the bed as he climbed on top of her. He felt her hand guiding his cock to her entrance, he figured she wasn't in the mood for foreplay so he entered her.

She moaned out in pleasure feeling him fill her up.

Peter was on top of Mary Jane as he began to thrust into her waiting body, she was smiling up at him as she thrust back with him. It felt so right when he was with her, her beautiful face and how her green eyes looked into him. He leaned down to kiss her as she kissed him back eagerly, when he pulled away it wasn't Mary Jane anymore he was fucking, it was Silver Sable.

She racked her hands over his chest moaning in pleasure Peter was still inside of her as she turned them in bed as she got on top, but instead of Silver Sable riding him, it was Carol now as the buxom blonde rode Peter, his hands going to her hips as she watched her blonde hair flay about. She leaned forward and when she got back up it was Jessica this time, she got off him and got into the doggy position as Peter got behind her.

He entered the dark haired beauty as he gripped her hips and started thrusting she cried out with every thrust as she eventually fell forward. Peter pulled her up and looked down to grab his dick and placed it at her slit but her hands took it and placed it to her asshole instead.

Peter looked to find he was with Black Cat only in her mask as she guided him into her ass, he groaned feeling her tight ass around his wet cock. He fucked the Black Cat in the ass like she loved and then Peter sat back pulling her into his lap and now it was Julia in his lap facing away from him, his hands went to her tits playing with her nipples knowing they were the most sensitive part of her body.

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