The Agent

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Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman, the original Spider-Woman that is, she forgot how many others had taken up the name since she started calling herself that. Things has changed for her yet again, which was the story of her life by this point.

Given the whole deal with her father's work being funded by Hydra so she herself had been recruited into the group (although in her defense she had no way of knowing what Hydra was at that point), after being shown who she was really looking for she had joined SHIELD, then the Avengers, she had lost her powers, regained them, became a PI for a short time, lost her powers again and when she turned to Hydra of all people to get them back.

That had turned into more of a mistake than she knew it had been, turned out they had all been Skrulls and although they did give her powers back the next thing she knew she had woken up with others on a Skrull ship. Then she had learned something that had really hurt, the bitch Queen of the Skrulls had used her face to get around and do all kinds of things.

It had taken her a lot of time and effort to get people to forget she had been a former Hydra agent and now with this she felt like she was back to square one.

She was walking through the tower in her usual red and yellow costume, she saw a few of her fellow team mates in the lounge. Logan the mutant known as Wolverine was there with the new Captain America, Bucky Barnes as they were talking.

"Hey guys what's up?" She asked and there it was. The thing she hated, that split second of silence as they looked at her. It didn't last long but she hated it, he knew what was going through their minds, for a split second they were actually questioning if she was the real her or not.

Of course she was and it never lasted long but she still hated it because she could tell. Hell she swore she saw Logan sniff the air just out of habit to get her scent.

"We were just talking about Logan wanting a bit more time away," Cap told her.

"Things at the school have been getting busier so I might not have as much time to be here as I used to," Logan explained.

"Okay then, I won't bother you then," Jessica put on a fake smile and walked off as soon as she was out of the room she dropped the act. She frowned as she felt like punching something, she was so sick of this and it was making her frustrated.

She sighed and sat down at the kitchen island as she fumed over things she couldn't change.

She had no idea how long she had been there before someone was walking in, "Hey Jessica you've seen Carol anywhere?"

She turned to see Spider-Man or Peter Parker as he was known to her, she was actually one of the few people that did know who he was. Only a few Avengers did back when they were running from Osborn when he was in charge of the world.

"Sorry she got called away for something," Jessica told him.

"Well that sucks," Spider-Man sat down placing a DVD on the table. "I got this to watch with her."

Jessica looked at the case and raised an eyebrow under her mask, "Ghostbusters?"

"Did you know she's never seen it?" He asked her.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah kind of my reaction too, apparently she's been too 'busy' to watch it," He shrugged. "So I wanted to get her to finally watch it but it looks like I'll have to try again another time."

To be honest he wanted to make a date out of it with Carol, well he would have to save this for later. Then he noticed Jessica seemed kind of down in the dumps.

"Hey are you okay?"

Spider-Woman glanced at him thinking about if she should just play it off and say she was fine but part of her just wanted to someone to listen to her.

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