The Virgin

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Peter turned as he woke up and stretched out in his bed as he felt the bed shift slightly to his left. He turned to see the long red hair and the shapely side of Mary Jane sleeping there. He missed this, waking up to her so waking up next to her again felt a bit like things were back to how they were. But he knew that wasn't the case, they were in a weird place that was for sure. Maybe they wouldn't get back together or maybe they would, he had no idea.

Although he did miss her in his life and these moments together were nice.

He sighed staring up at the ceiling well if things didn't work out he had a hell of a group to chose from. He mentally counted off that he was currently seeing Mary Jane, Black Cat (although that was more like seeing, fucking then her running off), Carol and Rogue he had a few dates and he had already had a date with Jessica taking her after that night at the bar and some of the kinkiest sex he had in a long time. Well next to She-Hulk, that woman had very unique tastes not to mention then there was Madam Web and even Silver Sable showed up last week. She had shown a lot of patience in him about his identity and honestly maybe it was time to show her who he was.

He was starting to trust the white haired mercenary and the trust games of hers she could have taken his mask off at any time but she didn't.

MJ shifted as she woke up and Peter's thoughts turned to the red head next to him. "Morning beautiful."

"Mmmm, morning Tiger," She stretched out on her back giving him a great view of those amazing breasts of hers. He could see the mark on one of them his mouth made and for a moment he wondered if a little morning roll in bed could be in order but checking the clock and he knew that they both had things to do. Plus although he had a great boss now, he didn't want to push his luck with being late. Knowing how things went he would get caught up in a super villain battle or his Avenger's card would go off on the way to work.

He rolled out of bed as Mary Jane got a good look at his back, it was a very strong back and she loved running her hands on it while he was fucking her. She also noticed a few red marks and guessed she was a little too into it last night. Whatever was going on but Peter seemed more energetic in bed lately, not that she had anything to complain about before, he was just giving her more of what she had gotten in the past.

'God did I screw up with the breakup?' she asked herself getting out of bed.

"You want the shower first?" Peter asked knowing if they went in together that would be the last of his will power, he looked over at her as she was picking up her clothing and got a look of her fine ass and long legs. How he wanted to bend her over and right then and there but stopped himself.

"I'll take it thanks," she told him looking for her bra, she swore it was around here somewhere but she hadn't looked to where she had thrown it. Then she noticed something sticking out from under his bed and pulled on it. Out came a bra in her hand but it wasn't hers, this was a purple sports bra but it was a big one. Not just in cup size which was bigger than her own but made for a woman far larger.

"Uh...Peter, what's this?" She showed him the bra wondering about who in the world that bra could be from. She was starting to worry that maybe he was into heavier type of women.

"Oh that," Peter knew that bra just from the size of it and that color or purple. It belonged to Jen Walters the She-Hulk, she had told him she had forgotten her bra at his place and he meant to look for it. But then MJ called about getting drinks and well, one thing led to another.

"That belongs to Jen," he said feeling more exposed even though they were both naked.

"Jen?" MJ asked him.

" know, She-Hulk?" He grinned with a shrug.

"Oh...okay...that's uh..." She was a bit relieved that Peter's taste in women hadn't changed but when did that happen. "So you two are..."

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