The Lawyer

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Peter was starting to consider that either something was off with his life or that maybe the universe was playing with him. It would stand to reason that the moment he suddenly gets all these women interested in him, that something will happen and he would be back to being single again. That's usually how it was with his life. It had been a few days since he and Rogue had had sex in his lab at work and already he had been kept busy.

He had ran into MJ and he had lunch with her, things had gone on well enough as they caught up, Peter made no mention of the other women just yet, kind of hard to breach that topic. When the next thing he knew they had ended up back at her place, clothing thrown all over the place and them going at it like crazy, they had been so into it he had nearly taken her right there in her elevator on the way up.

Thankfully they got inside before things had gotten out of hand as the way they had been at it, they might have just fucked there or in the hallway and not had bothered to stop if anyone caught them. Peter had to leave later that night as an Avenger call went out, MJ had a nice big smile on her face in bed wishing him luck and to be safe.

Then after the mission as soon as he was in his little shower in the Avenger's Mansion, Carol had jumped him. Thankfully he trusted her to remove any and all devices that he was afraid that Maria Hand person might have placed. There hadn't been any but it had put Peter's mind at ease, then just when he was relaxed he felt those breasts push into his back and her hand gently grabbing his dick slowly stroking it. Apparently she wanted a repeat of the shower moment they had earlier only this time in his. Well he had been feeling tired but something about the blonde bombshell being naked with him caused him to feel more energized.

So he spent the night in his room and so did Carol, he nearly slept in as they had gone at it until one in the morning.

A day after that Peter had tried to keep his distance physically from everyone, he got a call from both MJ and Carol and talked to them, then the next day Rogue called him up. She wanted to get together and Peter set up to meet her. She had worn this really nice summer green dress that really pulled off the southern bell look. He had barely taken his eyes off her as they went on the date, he took out to Central Park were they talked, laughed and had a good time, then he took her to a nice place to eat. It all ended with them back at his place and her riding him like a stallion. There were a few other positions they had tried out too, apparently Rogue was a very sexually starved women.

The day after that he ran into Black Cat and well...things eventually led to shed clothing and lots of sweat and grunting. Honestly Peter was lucky he wasn't walking with a limp or tenderly from all the sex he had been up to lately. Not to mention juggling things around so none of the women might feel he was ignoring them.

So he decided to change things up and in his new white and black Future Foundation costume design he was headed towards the FF tower to check in there and help out. Maybe working with the kids or something would give him a little piece of mind. While Peter was putting on his new Spider-Man suit and switched the colors to his FF mode there was someone else on her way to the FF building.

Not far away from the Baxter building walking the streets in a business suit and skirt a woman walked the streets and also turning heads. It wasn't just because she was a very sexual woman but it was also the fact that she was 6'7" on bare feet so in heels she was even taller, a long mane of hair and said hair, skin and eyes were a unique shade of gamma green. This was Jennifer Walters or as most people knew her was the sensational She-Hulk. Currently she was looking to have a talk with Sue mostly for some help.

Jen was currently taking care of her niece, a young teenaged gamma powered girl was currently living with Jennifer and honestly Jen could use the advice of a mother. Hence why she needed to talk with Sue, she was the only mother figure she knew personally who knew how to handle super powered kids. Jen had been a ghost in high school, the shy bookworm that was hard to make friends or go out. It got worse in college when she was getting her law degree, by becoming She-Hulk she had finally got the freedom to really break out of her shell. But how do you handle a girl raised in a possible future where man and women were at war, you were green skinned and could rip apart a building with your bare hands? Add in teenage hormones and drama and Jen wasn't sure she could deal sometimes.

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