The Thief

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It had been a couple of days since that incident with Mary Jane and Peter was still unsure how they would make it work but so far things hadn't gotten weird between them. They still seemed to have that closeness of what they had but also the side benefits of sex. They were taking things slow a step at a time of course they also had worked out several issues. Them being that they would still see others if they wanted to but if either of them found someone serious then it would have to end as it wouldn't be fair to keep going on.

So Peter did his usual thing, went to work at Horizon which he was really getting to like. He was finally able to play around with the kinds of equipment and work on things he had only dreamed of. He remembered in high school that a place like Horizon would be his dream job. Plus the people were all crazy smart (sometimes a bit more crazy than smart) but it made things interesting at work. At least he didn't have to deal with a boss that yelled at everyone all the time.

Of course that old boss of his was now the mayor of New York who also used funds to create an anti-Spider-Man taskforce.

"I have officially lost all faith in politics and voting," Spider-Man sighed not for the first time. How had they elected Jameson given he had created the Scorpion one of his worst villains and all the crap that was shown he had made up. "Then again if Bush Jr. can get elected twice why not have Jameson elected once? Although I'm pretty sure the tax payers are going to get him at re-election for that task force."

If he was a bit more immature he would seriously consider painting anti-Jameson slogans all over those billboards of his. Well one good thing being an Avenger is that he had Captain America who was in charge of SHIELD had his back. It sure did paid off being an Avenger to help his reputation he had noticed.

So far Spider-Man had some free time at the moment and decided to patrol the city. It always was helpful plus there was always something to see, of course not all of it good, he still felt awkward that one time he had caught a couple in an alleyway in a very embarrassing and intimate moment. Or the time he had been having a snack to suddenly realizing a homeless guy below him was using a street corner as a bathroom. Or that smell that came from that little deli on the Westside, he had been in the sewers of this city and whatever they put in their back alley was just toxic.

As Spider-Man swung over the streets of the city he couldn't notice that he had been watched the entire time by a certain red haired goddess.

Aphrodite had been keeping an eye on her new mortal as she would pop in now and again to check in on him. So far her spell hadn't gone off since that day with the red head ex-girlfriend of his. She floated around watching him now and again he really did seem to work himself too hard. That job of his reminded her a bit too much of her husband or ex-husband really, she never did love Hephaestus since she had been forced into that loveless marriage. Was it any wonder she had an affair with Ares or a few others she could name? Then again her Ex had his own little affairs not that she minded as it meant his attention was elsewhere.

Plus when they had been married he had been so busy with work she got bored a lot. So seeing Peter like this brought on a few memories she didn't want to remember of her old marriage. Plus apparently no one in that workplace of his was either attracted to him or him attracted to them.

She also recently found that he was also worked with other of these mortal heroes as well, although she had to be careful of that Dr. Strange fellow, his mystical abilities might be able to pick her up if she did anything that might be noticed.

Sorcerers always did make things more difficult than they had to be, it was one of the reasons she never liked to get involved with them on a personal level. Then there was that tall building Peter worked at when he somehow changed that costume he wore into a black and white to match the others. Again he worked but this time he was helping out with children which was kind of endearing to her. She always loved children after all part of her job was procreation as well as love.

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