The Soldier

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"You know when back when Cap asked me to join up with the Avengers I thought, hey neat, I haven't been a full time member in years," Spider-Man said. "I forgot all the crazy crap that the Avengers usually had to deal with on a near daily basis."

Currently the Avengers were battling some kind of creature from either an alternate dimension or from space. He wasn't sure which given that he got there late and missed the start of the fun. He had just been swinging through the city when the alert went out on his little communication card. He arrived in Central Park to already see the thing. It was a huge blue thing with lots of limbs and nearly as many eyes, oh and teeth, he couldn't forget the teeth as they had nearly taken a few bites out of him.

"Tell me about it," Luke Cage said holding onto one of the limbs. "I was going to have a nice day with my wife and daughter."

"Where is the missus anyway?" He asked their team leader.

"She was out with Squirrel Girl and Danielle shopping since Jessica wanted to get some new baby stuff and wanted to make sure Danielle liked it."

"She's like a few months old, she likes it when I dangle my keys over her head," Spider-Man told him.

"Tell that to my wife," Cage slammed his fist into the limb hoping to hurt the thing.

Mockingbird jumped over an attack to retaliate with her own. "You know to me it was only yesterday I was an Avenger then the next thing I know I wake up in a Skrull ship finding out I was kidnapped and replaced. It's been what, three years and still nothing has changed."

"Guess that old saying about how the more things change stay the same huh?" Spider-Man asked her webbing up a few of the limbs.

"Our lives do seem to have a pattern to them at times," Iron Fist said slamming a fist into the eye of the creature making it scream out.

"I get the feeling this is going to be a long day." Luke commented to himself as his massive fists kept slamming into the center mass of the creature. He was hoping that an onslaught of hits might put it down for a bit.

-Avengers Mansion, Later that Day-

"Well that was interesting," Cage said as everyone walked back into the large mansion that was their base. At least for this team of Avengers, Tony had given Cage both the leadership of this team but this place as well to run. Well there was that Ms. Hand woman who was representing SHIELD, why Steven put her here on the job no one knew. Hell Spider-Man kept making jokes about her and her old boss Norman.

"Interesting doesn't seem to capture what we just went through," Iron Fist said flexing his shoulder. In the battle he had nearly had his shoulder dislocated and he was looking forward to putting some ice on it and then some nice meditation.

"How about another freaking bizarre day that is our lives?" Spider-Man told him checking one of his web shooters. "Man I hope this isn't busted they are a pain in the ass to fix when the web fluid gets broken inside like this." He muttered to himself.

"All I know is that I just want to strip out of this and take a nice long hot shower," Mockingbird stretched out. "I know wearing skin tight uniforms seems to be the norm for people like us but they really keep in heat and sweat. I didn't used to deal with as much in my old uniform and that was wasn't leather."

"Try a full on body suit sometimes," Spider-Man joked to her. "You really don't want to be near me when I take this off especially on a hot day. Granted it is nice in winter but I have to make a special thin version in summer or else I would get heat stroke like you wouldn't believe."

"Well then you might want to shower yourself then," Ms Marvel smiled at him. "You do have a room you could use here you know."

"Yeah I just don't trust that whatever room I pick wouldn't be bugged by a certain woman. Hell she wouldn't even let me have a pay check unless I gave her my real name," He was not going to go through that again. Revealing his identity had been a huge mistake and if it wasn't thanks for Dr. Strange's spell there was no telling how much trouble his life would be in right now. Although a few did still know his real identity, mainly the original Avenger team he was put on and when he was with this group when they were basically enemies of the state.

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