The Model

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Peter woke up to the sun in his face as he tried to remember what had just happened last night. As the memory of being with that woman came back he suddenly sat up in bed and looked around.

"The hell?" He remembered things like candles being all over his room but there wasn't a single drop of wax anywhere, no smell of candles either. Looking down he saw that he was still in his sleeping clothing as well. The sheets were messy but that could have been just because he had been tossing in his sleep. He didn't feel like he had spent all nigh having great sex he didn't even smell like it.

He fell back onto his back looking up at the ceiling.

"Well Peter it's official you really got to be lonely to have your own mind make up a sex dream like that." He sighed rubbing his face. True he had been down since his breakup with Charlie but he didn't think it had gotten to that point yet. He grumbled as he got up and headed for the shower feeling surprisingly refreshed. It felt like he had one hell of a nice sleep, although he wouldn't mind waking up to someone else in bed with the aches and pains of sex afterward.

Although most people didn't know it, Peter didn't like being alone he had enough of that growing up. With no parents and living with his aunt and uncle, plus being kind of a quiet kid who was more into books it had been hard making friends. Then you get high school being labeled the nerd and picked on and you get the picture. It wasn't until he had his first girlfriend in Gwen did Peter know the joys of sharing a life, then when things got more serious with MJ he had been prepared to live the rest of his life with someone. To wake up next to them, to feel them next to him in the night had been a great comfort and he missed that.

In the shower Peter wondered about his life and the relationships in it trying to figure out where he had gone wrong. He had kept his secret from Gwen and in the end she had been killed because of Norman Osborne the first Green Goblin. With Black Cat she was more interested in Spider-Man than the man behind the mask. Mary Jane he had thought she had been the one, hell he nearly married her and for the longest time he thought he had found the one. But then things had just didn't work out, oh sure they had their ups and downs like any relationship but when it had ended Peter had felt like someone had taken a precious part of him away.

Then when Carlie came along he thought that maybe keeping her unaware of him being Spider-Man like with Gwen it would work, MJ had known and it had put her in danger. Carlie already was in danger working with the NYPD even it was with the Crime Scene Unit. But again that hadn't work out when she had found out he had lied to her, she was still pissed at him. Well pissed at Peter, she could still work with 'Spider-Man' apparently which only showed Peter that he had no clue how the female mind worked.

Drying off he was about to start breakfast when he got a call, checking the time he saw that thankfully he hadn't slept in. Sure Horizon Labs didn't have a nine to five work hours but showing up late all the time from him sleeping in didn't give him a good reputation. But from the clock it was still early so thankfully it wasn't work calling. He picked up the phone saying hello and was a bit surprised by the familiar voice on the other line.

"Hey hope I wasn't waking you," Mary Jane Watson's voice called out through the phone.

"Naw just got up, how are things?" Although MJ was his ex they had gotten to the place where they were still very close friends. Maybe more than friends but less than lovers, it was a really awkward place for them after everything they had been through with each other there would always be something between them.

"Actually going kind of well you wouldn't believe what I just bought," She happily told him.

"Well you wouldn't be calling about a new dress or shoes this early, you don't drive so you didn't get a car did you?"

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