The Mercenary

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The first thing that Peter felt was the annoying light in his eyes, he blinked open to see that the sun was up. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He had never been much of a morning person usually because he was out late saving the day or something. Well it had been a bit of a late night but for better reasons. He felt the shift in his bed as he looked over to see the naked form on her side. The bed sheet had gone down to her hips as he got a good look at her bare back.

He smiled as she slid up against her wrapping an arm around her waist. She stirred as she sighed pressing herself against him.

"Morning." Peter said kissing her shoulder.

"Mornin' sugar," Rogue sighed happily feeling him against her bare skin felt so good. She pressed her ass against him feeling his member against it. She wanted to feel him all over her skin as a woman who had been denied skin to skin contact since puberty she liked to enjoy it since given her life it could only be a matter of time because this gift was taken from her. It had happened before so she enjoyed herself in these moments plus it was so nice to have a nice and normal relationship for once.

No more suave honey tongued men who broke her heart multiple times and flirted with other women, or students or even a student that turned out to be her adopted mother in disguise (it was a wonder she didn't have more issues with her life given that) so being here with Peter was a nice break from it all. She turned around to kiss him not caring for any kind of morning breath.

"Last night was fun," she told him playing with his brown hair smiling.

"The date or after the date?" Peter asked her caressing her side.

"Both," she kissed him again, pulling away she stretched up and got out of bed. "Well ah'm goin' take a shower, if ya feel up to it don't be afraid ta join me."

She winked at him giving him a good look at her backside walking away, she had a slight sway with her hips as her ass and nice legs was starting to make a certain part of his body react. He gave a quick look, if they were quick he could make it into work no problem. Pulling off the covers he was going to join this southern bell before he noticed something in his closet.

There on the ground was one of his Spider-Man gloves, he paused picking it up as she hadn't seen it. He felt a bit guilty not telling her who he was and that they had met a few times before only in costume. But she seemed to set on the idea of having a normal guy in her life.

"Hey ever wish I wasn't a normal guy?" He asked her through the door hearing the water starting to turn on.

"What brought this on?" she replied as she felt the water for the right temperature.

Peter had to think of something, "Well you hang out with superheroes all the time so I was wondering if you just liked that kind of thing. You know someone that could relate to the kinds of things you have to deal with all the time. Villains, battles and the crap that goes with that kind of life."

Rogue paused thinking on it, "Ah guess...but honestly Ah like what Ah got with ya. It's just so nice not ta have ta deal with that kind of life. Don't worry yaself about that sugar, ah'm perfectly happy with how things are."

Peter sighed as he threw the glove into a deeper place of the closet where it couldn't be seen. So much for telling her that, he didn't want to crush her thoughts on what they had. Well if things got more serious he would tell her, boy he hoped she wouldn't be as pissed as Carlie had been. Thinking of his Ex-Girlfriend made him wonder how she was doing. Yeah she had ended things pretty solidly as she could work with Spider-Man...just not with Peter Parker, if that made sense but then if he could totally understand women he'd make a book and live off the royalties.

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