The Mutant

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Peter was currently in his personal lab at Horizon Labs, the past week had been very odd so he had been in his lab all day just trying to relax and not think about sex. Besides at least with science he could focus on that and not think about how much trouble he was going to get into if either MJ or Carol figured out he was dating both of them. Black Cat most likely wouldn't care as long as she got some sex on the side he knew but at least that wasn't something he had to worry about.

'God damn it, here I am thinking about it again,' he mentally sighed. 'How did things get like this? I'm not the kind of guy that has a woman in every port. Maybe I should talk to Tony and ask how he does it. Then again maybe I don't want to know.'

He had been working on some new tech designs for some new gear he would wear as Spider-Man when this happened. He figured that keeping his mind on some work would help get his mind off what was going on. So far this week he had sex with two ex-girlfriends who were apparently sex friends now, and he could also put in a teammate for that with Ms Marvel one of the most powerful females on the planet. It just seemed kind of odd to Peter but then again his life has never been anything but normal, maybe this was backed up karma with all his train wrecks of relationships coming back.

Well he just hoped things didn't get too crazy, he wasn't sure how to even deal with the three ladies in his life at the moment. There was a beeping noise from his door, someone wanted to see him so Peter put his equipment down and opened the door. Standing there was his boss Max Modell , the CEO of the company. He was an average size a bit older with red hair and a beard with small glasses framing his face. He was also one of the friendlier people Peter knew, if there was ever someone that was a good soul it was this man.

"Peter glad that you're in, are you busy?" He smiled at him.

"Not really just tinkering with something," Peter shrugged.

"Good come with me will you," He lead the way as Peter followed him. The halls seemed a bit busier than normal than again when you were in a place that was like a collection of mad to eccentric scientist, gave them a budget and told to 'go nuts' you'd expect some excitement now and then.

"Well you know Peter we've been working with the education board to help inspire young students to pick a field in science. They have been going around to various groups and we decided to open the doors today." Max told Peter.

"Uh...I don't remember anything about that," Peter tried to think was there something like that going on?

"You really should read the company memos more often," Max told him as they were walking to the large entrance. "Well as you used to be a science teacher I was hoping you wouldn't mind helping out with today."

"Yeah sign me up," Peter felt a bit more upbeat although he hadn't been a teacher long as his old high school he had liked the job change and there was just something satisfying about teaching young minds and opening them to new possibilities.

"Although I do have to ask you aren't against mutants are you?"

That question took Peter back, "No I have nothing against mutants, why would you...wait these students that are showing up are they from Xavier's?"

"Actually I believe they renamed their school to the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning." Max corrected him. "But yes they are showing up today. I'm hoping we can show them that although they may be mutants they still have a future just like everyone else. I've certainly never cared about little things like that, I would be a hypocrite if I did after all."

Peter nodded, Max was openly gay and he was one of the least discriminating person Peter had met, then again given his last boss that wasn't a hard thing to accomplish.

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