Intros, Info, and Plans.

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(Back to Kris)

"HE DID WHAT!?" Alex shouted in rage. The clouds darkened and lightning could be seen streaking across the sky. Things like this tend to happen (in most cases) when a primordial is pissed. They tend to lose some control of their element and with Alex, this leads to an aggressive thunderstorm. We had just arrived in Alex's kingdom though Elliot had to go through customs because she had never been here before. I had finished explaining how Dark Knight had severely hurt Jordi when Alex lost his temper. "When I get my hands on him, I'll rip him to shreds!-'' Alex was yelling before being interrupted by his father. Adam, Head Elder, and former King of Electricity. He's also one of the most physically intimidating people I've ever met, standing 6'4, about 275 lbs. Despite his "Hardened Warrior'' look, he's a wise and calm man. "Alex, control yourself. Command your rage, do not let it command you," he told his son who was starting to calm down. Alex is usually a very calm and collected person but gets very serious when it comes to his friends, family, and allies being hurt. He turned to us and apologized. "You're right, sorry guys. Lost control of myself for a bit there." "No problem, I can see why you were mad," I told him as Jordi was carried away by some healers. "So, besides Jordi, what brings ya here? I know you need something else or you wouldn't have brought Elliot." Alex asked while leaning against the wall. "We have some things to tell you, but first things first, what the hell are those!?" I asked, pointing to the chained claws that Tombstone was holding. "They're my new weapons! They're called 'The Claws of Parasite'!" Tomb answered with a wide grin, slightly raising his new weapons. "They seem to fit you, they look sick too. So, should we get on with it?" I said while Elliot walked into the room, "This is Elliot, the Primordial joining us as you all have known. Please treat her with respect as you would treat each other." I continued. "It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you." Alex said before noticing her sword. "Ah, Thorn's Edge. I remember this blade." Alex said while (to the surprise of Elliot) grabbing it from its sheathe. "I remember when Kris had me make this, gave me measurements and how you fought. Felt strange making a sword for someone I never met but it is what it is, and this-" Alex said while spinning the blade. "Is a fine blade." he finished. "I thought only I could wield it?" Elliot said as Alex returned the sword. "That's because of the blessing I put on the sword and everyone else's weapons. Blessings bind an item or weapon to a certain person and make it so that only the person bonded and the performer of that blessing can hold it. Kinda had to be able to hold it in case it ever got damaged or you needed improvements." Alex explained. "*Ahem* Back on topic, Elliot also has something she would like to share with you, Alex, but something first, is the earth primordial really gone?" I told Alex who seemed to be troubled. "Well according to Dad, yes. Why do you ask?" He said. "Your brother AJ, he seemed to have...awakened something. While Jordani and I were getting beat up he managed to shape a pillar of rock and strike Dark Knight with it. I think you might want to see what else he's capable of doing." I said and Alex looked over at his Father, I could not tell what Adam was feeling, he looked like he was thinking about something. "We'll check it out, now Elliot, I welcome you with open arms to the group, what is it you had to say?" Alex said. "Well, uhm. While I was off during my own things I got an odd distress signal from the control panel in my kingdom, but it the ocean. Underwater. I wasn't able to track it down, but I'm figuring it's deep in the depths of the ocean." Elliot finished while everyone else was staring with worrying eyes. "Could it be a bug, a glitch?" Alex said. "No, I don't think so, all of our servers were restarted but it still showed up." She continued. "Hmm. I'll see what we can get from that info. Anything else?" He said, looking around the room. "Yeah. one last thing," I said. "There were some DarkGuards very close to your kingdom, and they were talking about a seal? I have no idea what it could mean but they sounded really worried about what would happen if Dark Knight got his hands on it." I said. He looked even more worried now than before. "Huh." Was the only thing he said before turning to his dad. "Have you heard of a 'Seal'?" Alex said again. "...No, though the runic library may have what we need. Come'' said Adam while walking out, Alex behind him.

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