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*Gerard's P.O.V*

I got to the hospital around nine the next morning. Frank was still sleeping. Dr Daniel said if Frank didn't wake up soon, he'd have to be woken up be getting pricked seeing as how it was closer to ten, but Frank woke up shortly after that.

"Alright, Frank, we're going to get started on blood work now."

Frank wasn't scared of needles, but I was. He knew that too and told me to look at him the whole time, which I chuckled to. Once it was done, I sighed in relief only for more news to hit us then.

"Mr Iero, you have a visitor."

Frank and I both looked at each other then to the body walking into the room.

"Jay," Frank didn't know how to react.

"Hey, doll."

I cleared my throat out of annoyance.

"Relax, Way." Jay looked down at me then rolled his eyes. "I'm only here to check in."

I looked back at Frank who starred up at Jay. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I didn't recognize the expression on his face. Part of me was getting angry about it but the other part knew Frank wouldn't leave me to go back to him. I knew Frank's heart was in both places but I also knew what he needs and what he wants. And Jay just isn't it. He can provide for him but he'd never love Frank the way he needed to be loved.

But as I sat back and watched them talk, I felt this wave of worry wash over me. The way Jay held eye contact with Frank. The way he was reaching for his hand. The way he sat down on the other side of the bed, completely ignoring my presence who was still holding Frank's other hand. I must've not realized how tight my grip was getting because Frank then pulled his hand out of mine. I kept my thoughts to myself about this. It wouldn't do any good to Frank right now.

Jay ended up staying the rest of the day as well as I did. I didn't trust him not to make a move on Frank. I stood outside the hospital, waiting for Bob to pull up. Jay walked up next to me.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me.

I was stunned he'd even ask.

"House must be quiet." He added.

"It's fine."

"You can drop the act, Gerard. Frank's not here. You don't have to act all tough."

"I'm not acting."

"Sure...." He sighed.

Bob finally pulled up and I looked over at Jay. "Need a ride?" I asked him, not sure where the nice offer was even coming from.

"No, I can get a cab."

"We live in the same area. Just get in."

He accepted my offer and got in.

We talked the whole way home. Which is incredibly strange because we hated each other. Bob kept looking at us in the rear view mirror, concerned. Once we dropped off Jay and drove another minute down the street, he turned around to look at me.

"You and Jay friends now?"

"What? No we're not friends. "

"I mean, why else would you offer him a ride home?"

"Just left like it." I said and got out of the car.

I made my way to the study without saying anything to anyone. I sat at my desk, going over the bills and paperwork from contacts. I'm not supposed to bring work home but there was nothing else to do. There was nothing distracting me from my work.

I left my study, it was late in the night. I poured myself a glass of whatever whiskey I had and sat outside at the end of the pier that was connected to my house. Every time I don't have Frank with me I feel this way. I just wish they'd let me stay with him.

I then heard footsteps coming up behind me. I didn't bother to turn to see who it was, but by the sound of it, I knew it was Bob.

"It's three in the morning, Gerard."


"You doing okay?"

"I'm fine." I took a sip of my whiskey.

He sat down next to me.

"You should be with Frank in the hospital room."

"I already talked to them about it... They won't allow any overnight visitors."

"Such bullshit." I whispered and took another sip.

"It's quiet." Bob stated and by him saying that, I knew he missed Frank too.

I know he's only been gone like two days but once your lie revolves around someone, you become so consumed in them that even one day feels like three years when you're apart. And it's not fair because when you're actually with them, one day goes by so fast.

"It's not fair..."


"Frank shouldn't have to go through this."

Bob didn't reply. He just let me get out what I've been keeping bottled in. I went on about how Jay just showed up and stayed the entire time. Yeah, I was nice to him by offering a ride but he completely ruined my day with Frank and it irritated me. Bob could see how bad it did.

"But he didn't do anything." I continued.

"Well, maybe he did want to know how Frank was doing. Maybe he wanted to know how you were."

"I don't know."

"Maybe he's come to accept that Frank doesn't want him."

"It's sad that it's taken so long, if that's the case."

"Can't say for sure, Gee."

We both got up then and walked inside. We both went off to our rooms. I ended up taking a quick shower and then just standing in the hot water, deep in thought for an hour before getting out. I laid down on the bed, not even under the blanket.

I sighed.

I let my mind think about all the things I've done with him and everything I still wanted to do with him. I fell asleep dreaming about what our future would be like. The wedding, the adventures, the promises, the petty arguments, the late nights in the kitchen, the staying up all night talking about everything and anything, getting old together. I dreamt about it all.

Until my dream was interrupted by banging on my bedroom door.


I groaned in response.

"Get up, quick! It's Frank!"

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