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*Frank's P.O.V.*

Gerard had taken me to a doctor who specialized in what was happening to me. Gerard said he's been meeting with this doctor for a few weeks now trying to figure out procedures, treatment, and anything they could do to keep me alive.

We were sat in the doctor's office waiting for them and when they finally showed up, my eyes went wide.

"Good afternoon," He greeted us.


"Yes, he's your doctor, Frank." Gerard answered.

"From the dinner?"

"Well, after your concerns about me staring at you, Gerard and I had a conversation and it turns out, Frank, you have the same condition my mother had."

"Did she make it?"

He looked down. "Unfortunately, no. No one knew anything about it." He looked back at me. "But don't you worry, I have a team of specialists who have studied this disease and we're going to make sure we do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't take you too."

"What is it?" I asked.

"What happens with this disease is it lays dormant in you for how ever long it wants. Then when it's ready, it starts trying to shut down your body. Gerard had told me you've been stressed out a lot for a while. It's because of this. It almost makes you delusional. Almost like how anxiety does but it's so much worse."

"It doesn't make sense."

"I know and you're right. That's what I thought during my studies. But I don't want you to worry about anything. We'll worry about getting you better. We want you to make sure any thought that passes your mind is a positive one." He walked over to the front of his desk, "We're going to ensure that you live a long, healthy life. We will start treatment first thing next Monday. But for now, I have this medication for you to start taking. You'll need to take this every single day until treatment is over. This will help us get you calm enough to get this disease under control to take out."

"Where is the disease, though? Where in me is it?"

"Good question," He smiled, "It's a lot to take in so bare with me," He leaned against the desk, "It's located in the brain. Almost like a tumor that you grew from constant emotional turmoil. So going along with what I said before, when it's ready to show itself, it will send signals all over your body, trying to shut it down because it's all connected to the brain."

This was all too much for me. I have no idea what to think. I have nothing to say.

"Frank, whatever you're thinking, you need to get it out." Gerard placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, this is not what we want. You're fueling it." Dr Daniel added.

"It's too much." I said, my breath picking up.

"Hey, look at me," Gerard moved my face to his direction, "You're going to come out of this. Everything's going to be fine."

"How can you both be sure?"

"We're not giving up on you, Frank. We're here to make sure you get to stay alive."


That night, Gerard and I laid down for bed.

"Did you take the medication?"

I nodded, then cuddled close to him.

I couldn't sleep though. How could I when I was dying? There's still things that I want to see and do, still so much I haven't done.

"Calm yourself." Gerard spoke softly, pulling me in closer.

I finally relaxed in his arms.

"I will be calm." I repeated in my head.


Monday came so fast. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I tried my best to clear my head of any anxious thought as they were coming.

I had my own hospital room. They said this was going to be like my apartment until all was said and done. I didn't like that. I wanted to go home.

Everyone was here: Gerard, Bob, Wallace and Wayne. Just standing around my hospital bed. It all started like a regular check up, getting my vitals and writing them down on their clipboards. Dr Daniel said that later on tomorrow, they're going to do blood work. He said he didn't want to poke and prod at me all in one shot.

"How are you feeling?" Gerard asked once all the nurses had left.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

Gerard took my hand and kissed it. "Can I be honest?" I looked at him, "I'm scared too." He said then pressed his lips together.

I squeezed his hand. I had nothing to say in return. I mean, what are you supposed to say in times like theses?

"You're going to be okay." He added.

I looked back at him and gave him a shy smile.

"They're not going to let me stay the night with you, but I will come back first thing in the morning, okay?"

"What? No - why?" I said, pulling on Gerard's arm as he tried to get up.

"It's a protocol. Believe me, Frank, if it was up to me, I'd be here with you through it all." He leaned closer to me, "I need you to be strong, okay?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

He leaned in to give me a slow and passionate kiss before he was escorted out of my hospital room.

I was alone now.

Everything was quiet.

I hate hospitals. They smell weird. People die here. I wonder how many people died in this room before? How many ghosts roam the halls at night? Would a ghost come bother me?

"All settled, Frank?" Dr Daniel walked in, distracting me from my crazy thoughts.

I nodded.

"We have a remote here for the TV if you get bored." He pointed to the remote on the side of my bed, "And if you need anything, hit this big red button on the other side of the bed. A nurse will come to assist you, okay?"

"Thank you."

He smiled. "Goodnight, Frank."

I had the TV on some reality TV channel. It was the only thing on this time of night and the best thing to distract me from the imaginary ghosts in the halls. I laid back my head and sighed.

Am I ready for this?

I'm scared this will not go as planned.

"Please let me get through this okay."

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