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*One Month Later*

I laid in bed with Gerard that night. He was asleep, facing me. I stared at him, admiring him.

"I love you, Gerard." I whispered, "Why couldn't you come to me before he did?" I curled up into his side.

He felt him stir, "Frankie?" He spoke, sleep strong in his voice.


"Why are you still awake?"

I stayed quiet.

He pulled me into his arms. "Baby, go to sleep."

But I couldn't. I was deep in thought and sleep was the last thing on my mind.

"I can't.."

He turned to me. "Stop thinking."

"You know that's impossible for me."

He sighed and slowly got out of bed. "Come. We're going on a walk."

"But it's dark."

"It's just in the garden." He held out his hand for me.

I got up and joined him.

Before we went outside, he turned the lights to the garden on, then took my hand walking me out of the house.

"It's even more beautiful at night." I spoke.

He smiled at me.

We walked the maze that is his garden three times, talking about everything and nothing. We laughed, we held hands, he brought back that spark I lost.

Everything was perfect.

I through my head back laughing and that's when I saw a plane.

A plane.

People leave to far away places and come back on a plane.

Far away.




"Jay - h-he's coming back in late tomorrow night." I looked down and took a few steps away from Gerard.


"What do I do? I don't want to give this up. I'm not ready."

"Frankie, you don't have to."

"No - I can't do this when he's here. It's too risky."

"Don't think about that right now. Focus on me." He had placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Please, Gerard, wait for me?"

"I will always." He leaned in slowly, kissing me.

"Gerard?" I asked after we pulled away.

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