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Gerard didn't let me have any time to myself for the last three days. He was so focused on making me feel better but I was depressed about this situation.

I roamed around the house with my head down but I should be happy, right? I have Gerard now. And I could do anything with him without trying to hide it.

"Alright," Gerard stood up when I walked into his study, "You've been mopping around the house for days. No more. Go clean up and get dressed. We're going out today. Just you and I."

I stared at him.

"Go on." He motioned for me to go.

I walked to the door then turned back to him.

He took a deep breath. "Frank, I mean it."

I sighed then left the room.

"If you're not in the shower by the time I get up there, I will dunk you in ice cold water." He shouted from the study.

I headed to the bedroom bathroom. I cracked the door, turned on the water, then stripped. The water felt nice on my tense muscles. I felt like I could finally relax. I don't know how long it was going to take to feel okay from this. But for Gerard's sake, I hope it's soon.

I didn't notice the shower door open but when two arms wrapped around me, I leaned back against the one who owned them.

"I miss your voice, Frankie. I'd love it if you spoke even just one word today."

I didn't feel like talking the last few days.

"Please just try?"

I could try, but nothing was going to come out. But I nodded for his sake.

Once we were done showering, he dried me off then took me to the bedroom. He got dressed first then he helped me.

"I'm going to make it my top priority to make you smile once today. You don't have to speak, but show a little life in those pretty, brown eyes. You look so beautiful, so perfect when you smile."

I felt myself blush and looked down.

"You're going to have fun today."

We got into his car. We were driving to the city. Just him and I. Gerard grabbed my hand, rubbing it softly as he drove one handed. He lifted my hand to his lips and lightly kissed it.

He dropped the top, making the car a convertible. That did interest me but it wasn't enough to make me smile.

"You like that, huh?" He glanced over at me.

I shrugged.

"Oh, Frankie," He laughed. At what? I wasn't sure...

We made it to the city. Everything looked so different in the convertible, brighter and more alive.

Gerard had parked his car outside an office building. "Wanna come in with me?"

I nodded and got out of the car. I stared up at the building. I always remember passing it with Jay but we never went in.

"Come on." Gerard wrapped an arm around my lower back and walked me into the building.

This place was where all the billionaires hung out. I thought the guys Jay hung around were rich and powerful but they most certainly were not.

"Mr Way! How nice of you to come around again, haven't seen you in a while. Where've you been?"

"Spending time with someone very special." He came back over to me, "Everyone, this is Frank Iero, the love of my life." Gerard shouted so everyone could hear him.

Everyone wanted to talk to me. They all wanted me to play cards with them and drink brandy while having a cigar.

"No, thank you."

"I want you to meet someone very important." Gerard said to me.

He took me to the bar where a much older gentleman was sitting, drinking whiskey and in deep conversation with the bar tender.

"Excuse me, Mr Houghton."

He turned to face us.

"Gerard," He shook his hand, "How've you been? And - uh - who's this young man?"

"I'm fine. This is Frank, Frank Iero. He's my boyfriend."

He held out his hand to me, I have him mine and he kissed it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Iero."

"Frank, this is Mr Houghton. He's been a family friend for as long as I can remember."

"Ah, you make me sound so old." Mr Houghton laughed. "So tell me about this boy."

Gerard had told the story to him. He told him about him going to war, to when he came back, to Jay and his trip, to the affair, to the other night.

"And now I'm on a mission to make Frankie smile again."

Mr Houghton looked over at me then back at Gerard. "Well could you blame him for cheating? Jay Paterson is a sewer rat. Thinks all high and mighty of himself." He looked back over at me, "My boy, you were in a downward spiral if you stayed. He was only right about the doll thing. This boy really is a doll, Gerard."

Gerard always loved showing me off to the world and now that he has me again, I knew the whole city was going to know about me. I can see it now; Frank Iero: The Doll or Frank Iero: The Cheater.

What a legacy to live behind.


We had ventured around the city. Gerard was so well respected everywhere we went. And everyone was so caught up in learning about me. But he only told the whole, true story to Mr Houghton.

We were on our way to the last place Gerard had in mind; the beach.

We stood with our pant legs rolled up and feet in the water. I closed my eyes loving the feeling of the water on my skin.

I looked up at Gerard who was clearly in deep thought. I tugged on his sleeve, getting his attention.

"I just wanted to make you smile today."

"I know you're trying." These were the first words I spoke in a while and he was amazed by me speaking right now. "You made me happy today."

He pulled me in for a hug. "I love you, dollface." He kissed my nose.

I smiled.

"There's that pretty smile I've been waiting for."

I hugged him around the waist, burring my face in his chest.

"Let's get you home, sugar."

On our way back to the car, I saw Mr Ericsson....and he saw me. He approached me.

"Well, well, well, would you look who it is? You want to fuck me too, Iero? Is that what you want?"

Gerard pushed me into the car as he took care of Mr Ericsson.

If this was going to happen, I wanted no part in it. Why was I getting blamed for something Jay did more of?

Gerard got into the car. "You're okay, sweetheart. I promise you are." He told me.

He kept his hand on my thigh the whole drive home. And when we took a bath together that night, he touched me, he kissed me, he loved me, he held me.

He made me realize that the amount of pain I felt from cheating didn't compare to how he makes me feel. And that made me smile.

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