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One more day. 24 more hours to go and Gerard will be home. What do I do with that much time?

I stood by the back door and watched the rain fall. I wrapped my cardigan tightly around me as a chill traveled down my spine.

"Well get away from the door and you won't be cold." Bob said, passing me in the hall.

"Bob?" I called and he came back into my sight. "Do you know Mr Houghton?"

He chuckled. "Everyone knows Me Houghton...or at least knows of him."

I looked down. "I see..."

"You don't?"

"I mean I met him once but I don't know him. Gerard seems to like him though."

"Gerard is his favorite. They've known each other for a long while."

I nodded and looked back outside.

"Would you like to go talk to him?"

That did seem to interest me. I did want to know more about Mr Houghton.


We pulled up to that building like I remember doing with Gerard a little while ago. Bob came to my door, opening it and helping me out.

Standing here and looking up at the building, you could hear the "rich man's chatter". I never knew what anyone really meant by that term until now. And walking into the building, you could tell who was drunk, who wasn't, who was loosing at the gambling table, where the smoking corner was, and one thing I'll never forget was the smell of sex.

I wrapped my arms around myself, protecting my body from being seen by the drunk men. I've heard they'll fuck anything that walked pass them. Even with Bob behind me I didn't feel safe here.

I found Mr Houghton in the back, talking to a few other men in suits. I felt very underdressed.

"Excuse me, Mr Houghton?" I spoke, trying to get his attention.

He looked down at me, almost like he didn't know who I was. But when I sank in, he smiled. "Ah, Gerard's boy. What can I do for you, doll?"

Why does everyone call me that?

"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what, my dear?"

"Well, I just wanted to know you. I mean, I met you before, with Gerard, but I don't know you."

He dismissed the men in suits and turned to me. "No one knows me, my dear."

"Gerard does."

He stared at me. "Mr Way and I's relationship is none of your concern, child. What exactly do you care to know?"

"I just wanted to get to know you."

"Sounds to me like you're working for someone."

"But I'm not. I just came with Bob and that's it! Mr Houghton, I don't care about the business you run. I just want to know about you and my love."

He looked around. "Upstairs."

"Can Bob come?"


We went upstairs to what seemed to be his office.

"So, my dear, what would you like to know?"

So many questions ran through my head and all of them came out of my mouth all at once.

"My goodness, you're so full of questions," He laughed. "One at a time, please?"

"Sorry, sir. Do you run this whole place?"

"I do."

"By yourself?"

"No, I have others."

"How did you meet Gerard?"

"I'm a family friend of the Way's. I've known them for years."

"Does he work with you?"

"No. But if you want, I could show you where he works." He stood and walked to the window. "Come."

I walked over to him.

"See the sky line? The tallest building on the 54th floor is where he works." He turned to face me, "But you have to get him at the perfect time if you visit him at work."

"What time?"

"12 to 1 at least, but it depends on his schedule."

"Oh," I said simply and walked back to the seat I sat in before.

We were quiet for a moment. I kept my eyes to the floor until Mr Houghton spoke again.

"Mr Way has always had an eye for kindhearted and free spirited people to have in his life."

"I'm not free." I blurted out.

Mr Houghton carried an expression of confusion on his face.

He had me spill everything that had happened in the past few months. He sat and listened to everything pouring out of me. It was nice to talk to someone outside of this.

"You're lucky for leaving Jay. Most people can't."

"How am I lucky? I cheated and lied."

"You went back to what you know, what you craved. Mr Paterson was draining you and you needed more. He would've left you when he was finished with you, my dear. That's why he's been leaving so many times. He goes back to them for sex. You don't need that."

"Why is he still trying to talk to me? Why is he still trying to get me back?"

"You did the one thing no one could do and he didn't like it."

"What should I do?"

"Stay away from him. Do not engage in anything with that man. You will put Gerard and yourself in danger."

"What danger?"

He looked down at his watch. "I better get back."

"Wait - what danger?"

"It was good talking to you Mr Iero. I wish your man a safe trip home."

"Mr Houghton, please?!" I shouted.

But he didn't speak. He left without another word to me.

Bob walked me back to the car, opening the door for me and helping me in.

We ended up getting stuck in traffic.

"Why couldn't he tell me about the danger?!"

"Maybe he's protecting you, Frank." I knew Bob was getting exhausted of me and my shit lately but I couldn't help it.

"Protect me from what?! Jay?! What difference would it make?! He still here! He's still around!"

"Couldn't tell you."


I wasn't able to sleep even after writing about my day. Gerard was coming home tomorrow and I was going to look like shit when he sees me.

But I tossed and turned all night.

I'm stressing myself out about so much lately. And for what? Absolutely nothing. I didn't need to worry about anything. That was the man of the house's job. But since Gerard wasn't here, I felt responsible.

I held onto our picture again, tightly, refusing to put it down.

By the time I did fall asleep it was 7am and the sun was rising. Gerard was coming home later tonight so I knew I could sleep in. I couldn't wait to see him.

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