my first ever story I will be updating from tomorrow I hope you all would love it
This story will be after the tenma war
There will not be any, ships for rimuru yet but I'm planning on shipping some of his subordinates
There will be gods from tempe...
*master you told me to wake you up queit early today*
"huh did I...... okay forget it give me 3 more hours I need to have some good rest"
* I refuse master*
"no you don't..... you never allowed me to use auto mode through out yesterday and I stayed almost a whole day doing those paper works you really have to let me sleep it's an order"
*master has no need for sleep*
" i-i mean rest"
* I bluntly refuse master.... don't you remember you have an important meeting with the individual demon lord Guy Crimson*
"huh since when did I start meeting guy"
*don't act like you don't remember master....... you know I'm literally in your head*
" hmph...(I really can't hide anything from her huh)"
*did you say something master*
"n-no not at all it's your imagination ciel"
"ok then since I have a meeting with Guy I guess I should get u-"
Shion:good morning Rimuru sama....I'm first to greet you today.
Shuna:good morning Rimuru sama..... actually I was the first to come here.
"oww man it's my first secretary and Shuna"
Shion: Rimuru sama it's time for the morning hug Shuna: Yes Rimuru sama you promised remember
"(oww I remember promising them morning hug)", recently this two has being disturbing Rimuru to hug him since he modified his slime body to be really soft and comfy.
"Okay but don't hug me for long cause I have an important meeting to attend to"
Shuna: you don't need to worry Rimuru sama just a brief hug. Shion:yes!!!!!!
and after 30 minutes they were done and they left
"Alright ciel they are done now let's get prepared"
*hmph....they keep hugging master*
"did you say something ciel"
*no it was just your imagination*
"Jealous huh"
"always keeping quiet when she doesn't know what to say ......... okay ciel remember that cloth Shuna made for my special meeting I will be wearing it today.....oww man Guy will be super jealous..... can't wait to see the look on his face"
*Alright master as you wish*
I always store my clothes in my imaginary space so I just transform into my human form and whatever I wish to wear comes on me
"Alright time for breakfast fast"
(1st person pov) Rimuru always eat with his surbordinates so when ever Rimuru wake up from sleep mode the castle is always busy, goblins running around preparing food, maids cleaning every inch of the castle, Shuna, Shion,and Diablo 👿 giving out orders demon butlers preparing dinning , cleaning the sits and positioning themselves at respective corners of the building awaiting their lord and master.
and here he comes, Rimuru can be seen walking coming down the stairs in his majestic robe
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