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"hmm the frozen continent such a nice place they have here"

"it's been quite a while since I've been here"

"I should probably ask if we could hold a festival here sometime later"

"I can't help but think about the reason why Guy called me"

*it is likely that he has some plans for humanity*

"I hope he is not thinking about rampaging our anything stupid"

"tsk that demon"

*if that is his plans then master is more than capable of stopping him*

" I that strong"

*Master you really have no clue on how powerful you are*

"I'm not quite sure........... alright ciel how strong am I"

*master is a being who that has transcended the concept of time and space
therefore the concept of time and space are irrelevant to master

master has also transcended the concept that bind one to any dimension

master has also transcended the concept of dimension itself

so there is no being in existence that can challenge master and hope of touching a tip of his hair*

"wh-wh-what the hell, I am that strong HOW!!!

I thought I was at least as strong as veldenava


ciel what have you done to me"

*I have done nothing to you master*

*your original skills makes it possible for you to undergo continues evolution

due to this master is evolving as each day passes*

"so it's my fault huh....... it's good but quite shocking"

*although I also helped In remodeling some of your skills*

"ah ha I knew it was all your fault ciel"

*hmm ....did I do something wrong master*

"no but don't you think this powers are to much for a not that I'm complaining"

*don't worry master you are no ordinary slime and besides you also have me *

"yeah ciel you got my back.......wheww I'm so relieved"

Diablo:master we are right in front of the ice castle

"huh we fast"

Raine: greetings great demon lord Rimuru Tempest you are welcome to our domain

I have been ordered by Guy sama to lead through the castle.

Raine said while bowing her head

"oh Raine it's been quite a while how have you been"

Raine:as good as ever Rimuru sama.

"that's good to hear"

Diablo:fu fu fu oh Raine how rude of you, to treat me like I was not even here

but since you treated Rimuru sama with great respect I will let it slide.

Raine:oh Diablo in as much as I hate you, you are still Guy sama guest ,so you are welcome to our humble abode

Raine said while glaring daggers at Diablo

"oh you two always fighting each other"

"now Raine lead the way"

Raine bowed  her head and led them into the castle of ice and also showing them around,every demon they pass would kneel and greet Rimuru.

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