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"" Oh man where am i ""

Rimuru said then he looked around and noticed that he is in his room.

"" I'm in my room, but why can't I remember anything.""

** Master got really drunk yesterday and was causing havoc with the individual demon lord luminous Valentine.**

** due to that I forced master into sleep mode **

"" Oh I now remember I was drinking happily with luminous,....................""

"" wait what do mean cause, havoc I hope no one was hurt.""

** don't worry master everything was under control by me.**

"" Thank you Ciel, that's good to hear ""

"" Oh and what about luminous where is she""

** I teleported her to one of the guests rooms in the palace and she is there with Hinata the saint **

"" That's good of you Ciel, you're always the best""

** I live to serve you master **

**  Master today is the day that the WALPURGIS is to hold **

"" Oh yes today is the day of the WALPURGIS................... Ciel call me Diablo.""

"" As you wish master ""

The next moment Diablo appeared in the room and knelt down before his master.

Diablo: Rimuru Sama you called me, how may I serve you, my lord

Diablo said as he bows his head.

"" Go to the labrynth and inform Ramirez and my brother of the WALPURGIS that is to be held today and after that go to the empire and tell Masayuki and my sister that their presence is required in the upcoming WALPURGIS.""

Diablo: Your wish is my command Rimuru sama

Diablo said and left the room.

"" I hope they wouldn't be too surprised after been told of the WALPURGIS""

Diablo can be seen in front of the labrynth and then he went into the office of a familiar individuals.

Zegion:  Diablo how have you been it's been quite a while since you last visited the labrynth do have any message from the Lord

Diablo: Ku fu fu fu i can see that the almighty zegion seems to miss me.

Zegion: don't feed me those nonsense Diablo, just tell me why you're here.

Diablo: you really are too mean Zegion, alright I have a message from the Lord for Veldora Sama and Ramirez Sama.

Zegion: okay Diablo before you go..
zegion took out a jewelry and pinned it on Diablo's clothes.

Diablo: what is this?........ diablo asked

Zegion: it is a VIP jewelry it is worn by people who have business with Veldora Sama or Ramirez Sama, or people who brings important message from the great demon lord Rimuru Tempest, so if you go in with this you will be attended to immediately.

Diablo: thanks for this zegion, I actually had no plans of waisting time and it looks like you read mind .................. alright I'll take my leave.

Diablo said as he walked into the labrynth while still looking at the jewelry.

Zegion: What a powerful demon he really has grown a lot.

Zegion said as he continues his work

( Meanwhile In the labrynth )

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