The Saint and The Vampire

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Guy: a WALPURGIS huh no need to worry we just need approval from one more demon lord.

""yeah since luminous place is quite close by I can pay her a visit""

Guy: that true ................ speaking of luminous I heard some rumors that she's been having some affairs with a human girl.

""I bet you what you heard were not rumors""

Guy: I really thought humans were nothing but food to that vampire.

"" Luminous is really attracted to Hinata the saint and they are really having..... you know some fun times together""

Guy: that's quite interesting............... what if we just barge in there ,

you know it will be fun seeing their surprised faces you know.

""that's a good idea guy in that way I can have my revenge on luminous

but when you say barge in do you mean use teleportation magic

you know those spells has been banned for quite some time now""

Guy:come on Rimuru you are the great demon lord......and besides it was you who made those rules

It won't be that bad if it was you or me who broke the rules right

yeah Guy you are quite right there..

then luminous be ready to welcome your UNEXPECTED GUESTS

Rimuru said while smiling to Guy who in turn gave him a mischievous smile.

In the holy city of Ruberios

in the holy ark, at the top of the holy mountain

two individuals can be seen one seems to be laying down on a wide comfy bed and the other standing next to the bed

this two individuals were the vampire queen luminous Valentine and hope of mankind Hinata sakaguchi .

Hinata: lady luminous you called for me

Luminous: oh yes Hinata how many times have I told you just call me luminouswhen ever we're not in public

Hinata: ok luminous sama

Hinata replied with a red face (she's already blushing hell)

Luminous: Hinata I haven't seen you for quite some time .

Luminous said while getting up and moving really close to Hinata.

Hinata: oh luminous sama I have been at Ingrasia for the past few days.....................

(now luminous is freaking close to Hinata but Hinata was not really bothered about it..)

( it was not the first time they.......😏)

Hinata:I haven't really had time to meet y--

Hinata froze immediately as luminous held her on the waist and started brushing her hands through Hinata's hair

Luminous:oh Hinata, you haven't really had time to meet me huh.............

she said as she lustfully sniff's Hinata neck

Luminous: you know Hinata, forgetting about your lady is quite and an unforgivable crime you know...............

and I won't hesitate to punish you.

she said while leaking her lips and looking into Hinata's eyes


Hinata: and I shall receive the punishment with all my heart.

Hinata: and I shall receive the punishment with all my heart

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