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Every one in Tempest are really preparing for the upcoming changes.

Gobta the chief in command of the Tempest police force will also be leaving Tempest, he will be accompanied by Ranga and his four close friends (gobichi and co) (I can't remember the names of the others).

Gobta who is yet to engage in any serious relationship, he just go out with a lady today, and tomorrow he goes out with another what a play boy .

It was easy for him attract so many ladies, as the leader of the Tempest police force and the forth heavenly king of the great demon lord Rimuru Tempest, he was very famous and rich, he lives a luxurious life in Tempest, he has a large mansion in the capital city of Tempest and he runs many other business, he has access to almost every part of the world due to his position as the police leader, so attracting ladies is an easy feat for him

Whenever he's asked why he hasn't gone into any relationship he simply says " I don't think I'm ready" that what he always says, whatever, who cares.

Gobta who has an EP of over eight million will partake in the journey of the strong, Gobta who has awakened as a demon lord was no joke when it comes to strength, he is strong enough to rival Leon and Dino and he would really give luminous a hard time, but he will totally crush them instantly if he combines with Ranga, so Gobta really lives up to his title as the "LORD OF ORDER" ( I thought, since he is a police officer then, his job is to maintain law and order, then why not lord of order) being the strongest goblin in the world Gobta really had quite the reputation.

Ranga on the other hand is one of the twelve patrons of Rimuru Tempest, and he has an EP of about over hundred million due to this he is classified as a god class being, he has long awakened as a demon lord and he received a massive boost in his powers when Rimuru evolved.

Ranga who is feared as the pet of the great demon lord, the dangerous wolf that can easily rain disaster from the sky, will be leaving Tempest with his good friend Gobta, Ranga never wanted to leave behind his lord and master but Rimuru told him that he would come after sometime, so Ranga decided to accompany his friend and colleague Gobta.

Diablo would be going solo, as he stated that, "there is no one worthy enough to accompany me", while Testa, Carrera and Ultima will be leaving with their two personal subordinates, of course the three demoness won't be accompanying each other.

Gabiru's will be leaving Tempest with his wife and his three best friends, Gabiru's who is now one of the chief researchers in Tempest, and also the minister of entertainment, he also is one of the twelve patrons of Rimuru Tempest and he has long awakened as a demon lord, he has an EP of over hundred million, which also makes him one of the god class beings under the great demon lord,

He also has started a family with a beast woman named Sofia, (the tiger lady under Carrion), the story of how they fell in love with each other was really a complicated and funny story, long story short,
Sofia is now happily wedded to Gabiru, and they have been blessed with three kids, two girls and a boy, the girls took on the characters of their mother while the boy took that of his father, (what a funny family)

their children have humaniod forms and can freely transform into their beast form which is a tiger with some dragon features like wings, they children inherited powers from both parents, and also gabiru and Sofia will be leaving their children behind.

Geld will be leaving Tempest with his wife and hundred of his brethren.

Geld who with the help of Rimuru and Benimaru has successfully gotten over his guilt from the orc Lord incident and is now living a happy family life, he married an orc lady whom he fell in love with and now he has five kids, he also owns four orphanage homes where orphans from all over the world are taken care of.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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