Going Home .

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after Rimuru's duel with Guy he decided to stay there for the night.

Rimuru can be seen in velzard ice bath with velzard and guy.

While Diablo, Raine and Misery were pressured by Guy and Rimuru to bath together in the other ice bath.

(_Flash back_)

Diablo at first refused when Guy told him about it , not that he could not bath with women ...........................(( he doesn't really care besides, they are all demons and have little or no form of lust in them ))..............................he just see those two as annoying pest
that loves to disturb him.

But when Rimuru told him that it wasn't that bad, he just gave up and agree to take a bath with them, meanwhile since it was Guy that came up with the idea Raine and Misery did not dare complain.

(_Back to the present_)

Diablo can be seen talking with the two ( naked ) demoness and seems to be getting along with them.

Then Rimuru decided to tease Diablo.

""Hey Diablo how wonderful it would be if the trio or Shion sees you here""

Rimuru said while struggling to hold his laughter, and Diablo face just went pale and the two demoness just blushed at Rimuru's words.

It is true that if Diablo is spotted by the demoness trio or Shion bathing bathing with Misery or at worse Raine,they would never stop teasing him until his last breath.

Then Rimuru decided to make things even worse

""What if I tell them that you three had some fun together"".

Guy: yeah Rimuru that would be nice............. what do you say Diablo, how about it.

Guy and Rimuru said while laughing.

Diablo: oh Lord Rimuru please don't do this to me..................... those ladies will continue to torture me even if I die.

Raine: even though Diablo now seems to be quite reasonable, please Guy sama and Rimuru sama don't tell this to those girls.

Misery just nods to what Raine said.

""Ok then I'll consider your request ""

Rimuru said while looking at Diablo as if saying ( I've got ya ).

Then velzard, Guy and Rimuru were discussing in their pool of ice and water,
velzard can be seen washing her little brothers hair while Rimuru and Guy keeps laughing and teasing their subordinates, until velzard shouted.

and the room went as quiet as hell
{ hell is not really quite but I can't  remember any quite place now}

After the bath Rimuru went to his room, wore his PJs and went to the dinning for dinner.

( Actually Rimuru introduce PJs to the Cardinal world )

Then Misery and Raine served them dinner, while Diablo served them tea.

""Then alright Guy when I get back I'll send you some of the paperwork's and the cakes too.""

Guy: no problem Rimuru as far as you send the 5000 cakes I'll help you with the paperwork.

Velzard: oh Rimuru remember to remind veldora to visit me soon and also don't forget to send me that demon Baker I really love her cakes and sweet.

""No problem big sis I'll do what you wish""

There are only five women in this world that can boss Rimuru around they are



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