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After the WALPURGIS all the demon Lords, true dragons and heros went on to prepare for their departure.

In El Dorado,

Leon has appointed two of his most trusted knights who would accompany him on his departure, he then selected one of his trusted knights to rule the kingdom of El Dorado until maybe if he returns, after that Leon held a meeting with his executives to advice them to prepare for an upcoming calamity that would befall this world via their departure.

In Sarion,

Elmesia appointed Elluade as the new emperor of Sarion, so Sarion is now ruled by the new emperor Elluade and his daughter princess Erin.

In the Eastern empire,

Masayuki ordered Venom to select a trust worthy candidate to be the temporary emperor, till whenever he returns, yeah because Masayuki asked Rimuru if he could return from time to time, and spend some time with his people, then Rimuru agreed and told him that he can return every 400 years.

After Venom researches he appointed Kenya missiki the hero of light as the temporary  emperor, after that a meeting was held with the executives, but nothing about the plan was mentioned.

In the Western nations,

Hinata had declared the Western nations as a democratic nation in the name of the great demon lord Rimuru Tempest so as expected there was no revolt, Hinata also appointed Gale Gibson the hero of the crust as the first president.

In the frozen continent, the frozen continent which is mainly a domain for demons really required no ruler, just tell them what to do and they will obey, so Guy just erected a powerful barrier that prevents any interruptions from the outside, but it doesn't prevents those inside from coming out.

While in Tempest, Rimuru had summoned all his executives to the meeting hall for a brief meeting.

Benimaru: my lord we are all here as you requested.

"" Since you are all here, I'll go straight to the point.......... ""

"" we are leaving ""

All ( except Diablo and Testarossa )

Shuna: my lord do you mean we all are leaving Tempest.

"" that actually it's only those whose ep is above 8 million, their family members and some trusted subordinates.""

Gobta: huh does that means I'm leaving too.

"" Yes Gobta, it does mean so, that means you're coming with us ""

Rigurd: but lord Rimuru if you all leave then Tempest would be left unsecured.

"" Nah...I can protect Tempest from wherever I'm at, and besides there are many individuals whose ep has surpassed 6 million so protecting Tempest is as easy as eating a cake ""

And they all now seems to understand.

Ultima: but my lord you are yet to tell us where we are going.

"" Oh my baby girl now seems corncerned ..'s not somewhere far, just another multiverse of my own creation ""

All ( except Diablo and Testarossa ) NANI!!!!!

Benimaru: we are going to another world

"" Yes my boy ""

Benimaru: but why

"" Oh I haven't told you guys... And Rimuru explained everything that was discussed during the WALPURGIS.... That should keep you guys updated ""

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