Chapter 7

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Jimin wake up from his deep slumber tossing his blanket away he make his way downstairs after freshing up . He rub his eyes trying to get over with his sleep . He almost stumble when a little fragile figure bumps into to him causing both of them to fall . Jimin was fast enough to cathch the little excited figure and stabling them both

"Hang in there little one " jimin said while putting her on her feet . Yn chuckle embarssly and run out of his hand back to the kitchen .

Jimin look at her amuse but did not mind her bubbly self in fact he was happy to have her back in Red Villa . Jimin still have much to sort out but for now he care less he just want to have break at the same time have desiers to sort a mystry . Jimin attention catch the ding of his phone he unlock his phone while taking coffee from maid .

He just took a sip and again got stumble by that little girl who was holding a plate full of pancake . He grab her hurridly with her plate she was at the verge of crying

"Hey ! Hey! .its okay here you go " he said while handing her plate that seems to important for her .

She wisper little appology while running away

" yahhh watch your step ! You are already injured ." Jimin shout .

" AISHHHH this girl what is she upto ? " jimin being curious self march towords the place where that little over excited girl was running .

Jimin enter hall with open kitchen and saw her busy with platers and other cutlery . Jimin got near the table and grab a strowbery from cake making y/n whine .jimin laugh while taking seat next to her . He observe the table that is set with much extra effort today .

" Unni am i doing right ? " yn ask maid who was helping her through out the morning

" Its more than great " maid replied and smile at her .

" So miss lamb whats the ocassin . You seems happy . " jimin ask while filling her a glass of water .

" Master said he will reward me i can have whatever i want ! " she beamed with happiness .

Jimin smile and pat her head " Indeed its a big one " he said


I woke with my little lamb in my arms she was trying to free herself from my grip i internally chuckle at her cute little attempts . So i let her go she sat up with half lidded eyes then greet me morning i felt happy this empty room was eating me alive .

She walk straight to washroom soon i hear sound of water filling bathtub .After few minutes she come out . I feel bad looking at her small figure she is not even 18 and 3 times smaller then me in size . I sigh and told her she dont have to help me in bath . She looked suprise but eventully agreed and excused herself

I was in my thought untill V voice interupts me

" hey get up i need to dress you " V voied out while handing him bathrobe

I step out of bathtub with Tae helps and get dress while then he escort me to dinning hall.

We enter the hall and eyes fell on her who is busy setting thing with maid and making annoyed faces at jimin's mischiveiness .

" Wooo hooo ! Are we having guest ? " taehyung said while setting me on my chair
Yn quickly start to serve him .

" Nah its just y/n is realy happy today "
Jimin said while having his meal

" Is that soo ! " Taehyung said while smirking
" I wonder whats the occasion " tae again said .

" Sit down y/n " jk said while holding her hands softly making her sit beside him .

Yn being obedient sit next to him having her breakfast .

After great hesitation she ask " How is it ? "

Jungkook smile at her and said ." Indeed you are proving youself "

Thats all what yn wants to hear and she being a happy child start having her meal .

" so kook you promis yn a reward " jimin

" Yeah i did " jk replied

" So yn do you have anything to ask " Tae ask her

Yn think for a minute to decide but nothing cross her mind .

" what we usually get in rewards ? " she inocently ask leaving three into shouck

Jk grip on chopstick tighten and he was gritting his teeth . He realy know less about you .

" Muffin you can get anyting you want just name it " jimin said softly

" Then can i get a promise ? " she ask inocently
They all look at her bambi eyes full of inocent .

They know she was kept hidden from outside world and nurrished in darkness just to sell at high price like some branded product by her so called step brothers . She is soon to be 18 and dont know about world .

" Yeah you can " jk softly reply her waiting for her to state her wish .

" Promise me you will never abunded me or if i fail in tests you wont throw me in basment "

Their eyes softend at her words . They can't even think about it .

" I promis you " jk said looking stright in her eyes .

Jimin and taehyung look at each other and smiled seeing the progress in maknae .



Everyone was chilling in living room having doing theri own busniss . They dont have anything particular to do . After jk injury Hyung line force them to have break and they gladly take it .

Jimin and tae start argueing on game while strandling each other like 3 year old . Jk was busy reading a book . YN enter the hall with tanni in her embrace she was all smiles since they are free same goes for Yn she dont have to take lessons today .

Yn curiously look at two giant men who are fighting over a game like its a death matter .
Then her eyes land on her master who is sitting elegently with his full glory having book in his one hand other was resting on couch arm .

Jk notice her stares on him more specificaly on his book . He extend his arm indicating her to come she being curious kitten crawl towords him letting tani go . She sit right next to him with little space between them .

Jungkook smiles at her little actions .she seems too small in his hoodie even though Tae shoped for her but we did not got time to try those on .

She was peeking on his book while balancing herself on her knees .jk playfully move his book away from her making her lean more towords him and she eventually falls on his lap .

She gasped and try to move away but jk pulled her up and put her on his lap legs resting on sofa while her left side was pressed against his chest she stiffend at her place .

" Relax yn " he soflty wisper to her making her shiver but she soon calm down .

He softly crass her thighes . He pick the soft duet and cover her legs knowing she is still in pain from all the chaos. He again pick his book and put it infront of him so she can easily have a look of it .Her doe eyes run through the appealing pictures of landscape and houses
More like wooden cabin .she was amazed by the beauty .

" Which one catch your eye ? " jk ask her while softly holding her waist . She points towords the small simple cabin . Jk hummed in response .

Soon jk eyes start to drop due to heavy medication he was currently taking .while yn was still on his lap and completely imersesd in the book . But soon sleep took over her .

" They seems at peace " taehyng said while pointing at the couple who long lost in their dream land .

" INDEED " Jimin replies .


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