Chapter 23

648 7 17

Jimin pov

' kook ! At the outskirts of seoul  now ... urghh  fast ! ''   danm ! They were not coming and then suddenly attack .

I check out at yn she is totaly out of energy .i can see longing for home in her eyes . I wanted to go back too . I am tierd .

I run to her side before locking her door i crass her head to get her attention . She looks at me with her moist eyes but she did not let herself cry . I can't hold but smile at her .

'' i knew you wanted to ask as . Just hang in there a little i will take you back ''

She nodded when i retrive my hand she hold it back  i turn towords her

'' do come back safe and sound ....please ''

I nodded as i lock the car grabing the gun i start to shoot down the troops that kept coming to us  . My head is mess , no one can fix this .

They keep coming and coming  . I ran back to the car geting in and race it out of the mansion not giving a heed about the lives i am taking .

Hiting the main gate open we finaly make out of  that hell . Soon we reach the road surrounded by large green lives hanging a bit low giving the cool sensation .

I look to my side where a little girl tainted in red was sitting . I wanted to hit a conversation with her like before but i guess thing have change completely .

I who always carry the agony of the cruelty of world now feels like a fool . World did realy dirty to us .

I  decided to stay queit  . I turn my gaze towords the road . I did not notice before It is so gloomy just the tall trees hanging low in dark , no matters how many times i look a head . Its dark , dark like an endless tunnel .

Are our lives realy turn into a dark cave ? Its straight but still we can't find a way out . How long are we gona be siners ? ...

So many things clouded my mind . Things i heard today was what i have been dying to figure out . When atlast i get ,i refused to carry it  . Truth is indeed worst to accept .

'' oppa ....''  her wisper pull me out of my trace . I look towords her but she kept her gaze on the road .

'' hmm ....''

'' oppa ....''  she wisper again making me look at her with concern

'' yn ... ''

'' would our silence ease us ? '' she ask finaly looking at me with her twinkling eyes . She wants to complain , ask  so many things but i am afraid , i would be out of answers .

'' for time being, yes it will '' i said as i look at her again '' yn , you know yourself we both are not ready '' 

She just nods and look away but little did i know she was dieing to hold the bound the blood we share .


My mind is all numb and my skin felt like i am on fire . I look out of the window watching passing dark woods hanging low on the road that i am not familiar with .

Am i familar to anything ?

I have a family  . Someone who share same blood and flesh , i even have a surname . My life was nothing but a joke till now . How can i be so dumb . Fooling again and again . I am trying to figure out the affection i recive . If it is love or just pity ?  Is this a person goes on ?

I ...i  taint my self red . The blood  , screame that i heard left me in delima if what i did to survive was right to do . I don't know if its the guilt or grief .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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