chapter 21

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Sounds of shooting and the loud deadly voices of suffering people echo within the walls of an empty and old building

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Sounds of shooting and the loud deadly voices of suffering people echo within the walls of an empty and old building . Blood is shedding everywhere dead bodies lying in their own blood pool .

On last bang h echo through the walls of building and then silence enveloped the place . Sounds of steps heard as they

follow the cries of small child to the small door the person enters break through the door and found a small child of age around 8 year lying on the floor with his nails cliped out of its beds and clothes riped with his body on display full of bruseis his little sobs gets louder when he saw a man .

He the young boy Scream and plead not to come closer .

NO don't touch me ! ''

He start to strugle to get away from the tall man . He shrink away when he pull of his coat and the panic and fear was evident on his face of what he have been gone through .

He start to shook his head voilently . His chains crankle togeather . The man cleach his jaw seeing the boy begging so hard . He want nothing but to burn everyone of them who touch him .

i am here to take you to your mother ''

The boy stopped sturggling he look up at the man .

'' who are you ? ''

The man feels hurt but who is at the blame he himself brought this upon himself .

'' Jin .... seok jin ''

The boy only nodded still hesitating as he was feeling dizzy . Jin cover his small frame with his coat and pull up the boy hugging him close to his chest . The boy snugle more into him for warmth as little sigh left his mouth .

Jin kiss his head holding him tight and he can't held his self anymore as the tears make its way down to his cheeks . He crass the boy head as he wisper .

'' sorry .....i so sorry  sob ...i soo sorry urgh ''

He keep planting kisses on his head while hugging him hard .

'' i don't know how to face your mother jinsoah  , dad is sorry to you ''


Jimin who have  been waiting for the right time to act was facing the same situation as yn . He saw what yn saw on her bedrooms' wall . Two butterfly with swoard stabed through their wings . He glup at the sight of the wall his heart cleanced and bells start to ringing in his ears .flashes of his past making him lose his sanity he held his head trying hard to snap out of it . Cuse he know its not the time . His heart cleanced and chest fill with pain that he know but still find it unknown .the broken peices of him start to come back to him .

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