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After sending hyungs back and patroling the mansion and other wings that belongs to other repective quaters i finaly decided to head back to my room .

Many events are opening on us and we never think that we have to face such time where everyone seems to be in mess like big mess.

Mafia, this word is just so mencing many unexpected thing unfold infront of you leaving you in utter shouck . Power that seems so aluring is itself a deveil many died and lose sanity at the hand of greed .

But it still is the refuge for the broken and abandoned one ..a sad , cruel refuge .

Hyung must be in a great mess all i know is that they never gona involve us untill or unless they want to . They never realy want us to go on missions or drag ourselvees in more shity and helpless position .

I walked into my room thinking about her .yeah her , there is not a single sec when she is out of my mind i feel like in the way she needs me i am depending more on her .

I cant bear her absence it just makes me anxius .And we go again she is not in the room again . What the heck ! May be kitchen ?

I stroll down the stairs as i know she must be sneaking some icecream God ! She just cant stay away from sweets .

I enter the kitchen and as per my expectations there she is with whole bucket infront of her and i am damn sure its empty .

But what makes me more amuse is the person sitting beside her .

Jk : so she ends up here i see .

I said as i make my presence obvious to the man siting there .

Youngi : yeah .

He said as he roll his eyes like how much this lamb irritate but at the same time comfort him .

Jk : the whole bucket i see .

I said inspecting the empty tub .wao all at once .this happens everytime she sneak out of bed just to get icecream well i just let her be she seems to love it more.

Youngi : dose your girl have some kind of obsession over this

He said as he point to the tub .

I chuckel softly

Jk : may be .

I look at my little lamb who have her head on her tender arm as her neck is on display .i bit my lips she is just so arghhhh !

Youngi : jungkook

Jk : hmmm.

Youngi : where did you find her ?

He inqvire making my senses shut . Holy fuck ! I look up confuse at him . He is not the one who randomly jump into someone life. But if dose he knows something important .

Jk : from school .

Youngi : strange , you were never found of school so how did you end up meeting her ?

Jk : she was getting abused by her brothers. I just cant leave her like that so you know .

Youngi : hmmm . Okay then goodnight !

I hesitate but decide to ask its just now or never .

Jk : is jimin is in any kind of danger ?

Youngi stops at his place and look at him he thought for a sec.

Youngi : no.

Jk : then ..

Youngi : jimin is different from both of your case so let him be .

MAFIA STRESS RELIVER  (   Jungkook FF )Where stories live. Discover now